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Module 2 Vocabulary Exercises

Matura Explorer Intermedlate

Module 2 - Opener & Part 2A, page 22-23 -Listening: CD 1/08

Exercise 1

Match the words / expressions In the box with their definitions.

affluence attitudc balanced diet dairy products globalisation migration groceries put on weight

1.    things madę from milk

2.    becomefatter

3.    keeping or showlng a balance so that different meals are in equal amounts

4.    the act of going to live and wortt in another place

5.    the State of baving a lot of money

6.    the way that you think. feei or bebave

7.    the fact that different cuttures and economic Systems around the world are becoming connected and similar

to each other, due to the influence of large companves and of improved communicatson

8.    generał name for food products

Exercise 2

Fili in the gaps with missing words / expressions from the box. Make all the necessary changes.

affect our diet afford dailydiet fastfood health clubs high percentage horrified k>se weight prepare meals at home processed food rural packaged urban healthy rising affluence

1.    Nowadays morę and morę people prefer buylng __to making it at home.

2.    Young people try to___by going to

3.    Globalisation and migration- .

and unfortunately we eat morę food which is not as _as vegetabtes.

4.    In Okinawa you can meet the_of people

over the age of one hundred.

5.    People can__so they do not

bother to__

6.    We shoułd be -_how_bas

an impact on our--

7.    Inhabitants of__areas eat morę

_food than people from_areas.

Module 2 - Part 2B, page 24 - Reading Exercise 3

Read the text on page 24 and find the words /

expressions that mean:

1.    to change from one form to another

2.    the act of getting rid of something or throwing something away

3.    to get control of something or responsibility for something

4.    fuel. such as coal or oil, that was formed over millions of years from the remains of animals or plants

5.    to make something become something different

6.    a place where efectricity is produced

7.    a living thing such as an animal, a fish or an insect that lives in the water

8.    organie materiał that is burnt to produce heat or power

Exercise 4

Fili in the gaps with a suitable word.

1.    Cars with g_-_d e-s are

still the most popular vehicles on our roads.

2.    Morę and morę countries are looking for a-e

forms of a-y.

3.    Instead of paying for the disposal of burned cooking oil,

some restaurants may even make m_____y out of it

as a source of f___I.

4.    Gribbles are p-s that live in the sea.

5.    Many farmers are interested in b_s which could

be produced from the plants they could grow on their fields.

6.    The use of f_I f_s is increasingly

dangerous for the environment so it's time to think about new s_s as sources of energy.

7.    Can v.e really b. _ ____t from wind power if there

aren't many strong winds in our country?


Module 2 - Part 2D, page 28 - Reading & Listening: CD 1/10

Exercise 9

Fili in the gaps with the words or expressions from the box.

Make all the necessary changes.

cardboard come up with !eave bełiind online recycle set it up take it down waterproof outdoor

There are many 1_musie festivals 3ll over the

world and the biggest problem ali the organisers have to face

is the mess the participants 2__So young people

from Brltain 3_the idea of a tent that can be

4_| It is madę of 5_and plastic and,

morę importantly, it’s 6__

: You can order it 7_and the organiser will

8_for you and 9_after you leave. Isn't

it a briltiant idea?

© Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.


Autorka: Alma Łubecka


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