Staninc cr:3in: Multiple ot 6 =:s - 2.
Spscial Abbreviation
Bobble - work Hritr ir.ro next st ur.iii 1 iocp oi each remair.s on sak. yo and through all 4 oops en hook.
l5t row irighl side): Work 1ss iulo 2rtd Cft Irom r.ook. *SC ir,U> cach ęh ‘O ćnri, turn
2nd row:Soi (oount as Ido. 5ch1.skiptirsł Osc. Tdcinlo iiuxl.SC, ‘och skip 5sc. 1dc inlo iicpcI SC; rop from * io end. rum.
3rd row:Sen (eonnr as lir. 2ch). work ' hcbble inro first ćc. 'ir.to naxt dc werk [1 bcfcbie. 5cłi. 1 bobblc|; rep kom * !o lOSl dc. :nio 3rd oi 3ch ar dag of previcus row work [t bebbiu. 2ch. 1 lrj, tym,
Słonino, o.nain: Mutriple of 9 s?s > 5.
Special Abbreviation
Bobbie - work 3dtr inlo sd urriil ono loep ol COCll rcinains on cook, yo ono rhrouoh a!i - '.oops on hook.
ist row{wrong side): Work idc inro 8:h cr.from hook. ‘2ch. skip 2cn. ‘ dc inro nexl ch; rap irorri * lo Crtd, luW.
2nd row: 3ch (couni os 1 CCI.. Skip next sp. work 1 bobble into nexr sp, [6ch. Idc imo first cf thesa ch] 3 rimes, ' bobble nlo same so as ast bobble, ‘skip 2 SOS. werk ‘ Ix>0bl0 >nto next sp [fioh. Idc imo first of i-ese oh] 3 limes. 1 bobble into same sp as last tooola; rap Irom ’ lo &s'. sp. skp 2ch, 1CC into next ch Fasie a oll.
4th row: ich. lac inro firn: tr, *7ch. Isc into naxt ich arefc: rap from ‘ fo and pfacir-g łasi sc into 41h cl 6di al beg o! prcvious row. turn
5th row: '.ch, 1sc inlo firsl sc, "Ssc inlo ńcxl 7ch pich, 1SC lero next sc: rep from * to end. Fastsn pff.
Stiirling chain: Mult>plc ol *■ 5 SIS -' 8-
1st row (righr sfde); Work fsc into 2nd ch frem roak. 1sc intr
each cf; lo end. lurn.
2nd row: ich (oounr as Itr), *skip nexr 2=c. werk [Ur. 2ch. itr inro next =c: rep from * to las* 2sc. 1tr into łasi sc. turn.
3rd row: 3ch (counl as idc}. werk 4dC nlo first ?ch sp. *Sch, ski: 1 sp. 4dc into naxl sp; rap from * to and. Idc into *itn ol 4ch r be$ C! prcyious row, turn.
4th row: 6ch (co..nt as :dc. 3ch). 2sc inro first 3ch sp. 7ch, 2s: ir.lc rax: sp. *2ch. into naxl sp werk [idc. 2Clł, Tdc:. 3ch. 2SC mtc ”.ex; SP. 7ch 2SC Into ncxt sp; rep Irom * to lost 5 ars. 3ch. id: •nlo 3rd of 3ch at aag of previc.s row, lurn.
5th row; Ich, 1sc into Iśrsl de. 2ctt. into 7ch a?ch werk ^tr er: [5ch. Sl Si eto first Of these Ch. 4lr] 3 tirr.es. 2cn. ‘skip 1 sp. into next 2ch sp work [tsc. 3ch. t sc], 2ch, inlo 7cli arch work *‘.r ano [5ch. Sl st etc first Of lhese Ch, 4ir] 3 times: rep from * to !as: 2ch. Isc inro 3rd of Sch a: bag of previous row. Fastom off
SO AbbrcviuliD-".r- :iri:i Syntós Crt p33 -