Fili in each of the numbered blanks with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets.
Mrs Brown, aged 73, (1) v ) .......... weU until half a year before
admission. Since that time she (2) (’ ;) ..........gradua ly lethargic
and less able to look after herself and her house. An uncomplaining lady,
she (3) (" ..) .......... her doctor to see if anything could be done to
help He (4) v .2) ..........her to have a haemoglobin of 87g/l and (5)
\..........admission for investigation. On admission, she (6) ')
.......... no history of chest pain but admitted (7) ( -)..........increasing
dyspnoea on exertion. Her appetite (8) ( ) .......... poor, and although
there (9) ( ) .......... no symptoms of indigestion, she (10) v. S) ..........
aware for somc time of an occasional pain in the left side of her abdomen, (11) (" ) ..........through to her back. The patient also
(12) (; , ..........having an episode of ‘fiu’ three months previously
during which she (13) (sweat, shiver and vomit)..........and for which she
(14) (_ ..........antibiotics.
On examination, she (15) ' _ .......... not undernourished but (16)
O ..........Pa*e a°d (17) r / ..........dyspnoeic on minor exertion.
She (18) (have)..........slight pitting oedema at the ankles. Her pulse (19)
v -)..........95/min and regular. There (20) ' )..........a systolic murmur
(21) (— —)..........into the neck and BP (22) f ,.......... 158/82. Some
tenderness could be (23) (. )..........in the upper abdomen on the left
side. The rest of the examination was negative.
A blood film (24) ( * ) .......... a normochromic normocytic anaemia
with burr cells. Urine culture (25) ' .) ..........Escherichia coli and
microscopy (26) ^ )..........occasional red blood cells and pus cells.
Serum calcium and serum phosphatc werc slightly (27) (' -i)...........
The patient (28) (’ s).......... chronic renal failure (29) ( )..........by
bilateral renal obstruction due to staghorn calculus formation. She (30)
( ) ..........urography, which (31) ( ... .......... that both
kidneys (32) ( . ..........functional.
She (33) (t Fj .......... to percutaneous lithotripsy with removal of
stone fragments.
On discharge, a large daily fluid intake (34) (< ^ ).......... in the
long term (35) (• ).......... the risk of recurrent formation of Stones.
Rearrange the words into seven meaningful sentences taken from a case report.
1. crash multiple a sustained 43-year a glazier injuries car man old by in a trade
2. satisfactorily were fractures his severe and treated injuries
3. of thumb for 3 was tendon right months overlooked a the ruplured however extensor