

Test 2. Rozumienie tekstu pisanego (20 pkt.) pytania 11-20.

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst, a następnie wybierz właściwe dokończenia zdań spośród trzech podanych możliwości. Za każdym razem tylko jedna odpowiedź jest poprawna. Swój wybór zaznacz na karcie odpowiedzi nr 1.

Read the tcxt below and completc the sentcnces by choosing the right option. Mark your answers on answer sheet 1.


1    The image of the sober suited civil servant was puncturcd yesterday when a clerical worker won a sex

2    discrimination casc against a rule reąuiring hirn to wear a collar and tic.

3    Matthcw Thompson, 32, complaincd that a dress codę at the Jobcentrc where he worked meant

4    that women could wear T-shirts and football tops but men had to dress morę formally. He said he was

5    delighted after winning his employment tribunal casc.

6    His union said the ruling affected 26,000 other men who worked in the Department for Work and

7    Pensions. The Public and Commercial Scrvices union (PCS), which supported the case, said 39 further

8    cases could be pursued if the two sides could not come to a negotiated settlcment. It said the ruling

9    was a “victory for common sense” but the department said it was disappointed with the outeome and

10    planned to appeal.

11    Mr Thompson, who works in the post room at the Jobccntre Plus office in Stockport, Greater

12    Manchester, complained at a tribunal last month that he nevcr came into contact with the public.

13    His union complaincd of a “draconian” dress codę and said his job meant that he usually wore

14    overalIs.

15    Mr Thompson also claimed compcnsation for injury to his fcclings at the Manchester tribunal

16    after allcging that his human rights were brcached. That issue is expccted to be settlcd next month. He

17    will wear a collar and tie pending the outeome of the appeal.

18    “I’m delighted and relieved w'ith the outeome”, Mr Thompson said. “The ruling vindicates what

19    we have becn arguing for some time. It is discriminating against me as a man to accept a standard not

20    expccted of a woman.”

21    The PCS said it rccommendcd staff stick to the dress codc pending the appeal by the department.

22    “Jobcentre management have been particularly bclligerent about this,” a spokesman said, adding that

23    the ruling did not affect the rest of the Civil Service, which operated under different guidelines.

24    He said: “We don’t havc a problem with front-of-house staff presenting a professional image

25    because they are professionals. We do have a problem, though with the imposition of a draconian

26    dress codę on other employccs.”

27    The Department for Work and Pensions said that dress standards were an important part of a

28    professional service and that staff would be asked to continuc to adhcrc to its codę.

29    Last week, a prison officcr lost his claim of sexual discrimination for being rccjuired to wear a tie

30    with his uniform.


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