Hi Sam, what’s up? You look pissed off. Oh, it’s Jake, he came across as such a nice guy, and madę out that he really liked me, but just now he told me to shut up and told me that he could do without my constant nagging. I doirt know if 1 can put up with his crazy mood swings any longer.
Weil, try to calm down, where werc you when this happened? Was he showing off to his mates?
No, actually we were alone. I think his mood swings might stem from a psychological problem. Sometimes he talks back to people in authority, Police and so on, and then he seems to look down on other people, sometimes even me. He even cuts in on other peoples conversations - thinklng that his opinion is oh-so important.
Then the next minutę he’s lovely again, leaping at evcry opportunity to see me, constantly paying me compliments,
I just have no idea what to make of his strange behaviour.
To sum up Sam, you have gotten your-self mixed up with a psycho freak!
No, no, no, it’s not that bad. It’s just that his wacky mood swings are putting me off. I guess he’s not living up to my expectations of him.
Oh Sam, you take after your Mum. Don’t feel so hard done by. You expect too much, you’11 always be disappointed, put it down to experience, he’s only a man after all!
<3 Exercise. Translate the following phrases into Polish:
talk back - pyskować fish for sth - szukać czegoś stem from sth - wynikać z czegoś butter sb up - podlizywać się komuś
Say it in English:
zniechęcić kogoś - put someone off popisywać się - show off przypominać kogoś, być podobnym
- take after sb
patrzeć z góry na kogoś, pogardzać kimś
- look down on sb
Listen carefully to the phrasal verbs together with their Polish translations. Repeat each phrasal verb after the speaker. Then listen to the sentence that indicates how to use it properly.
brush up - odświeżyć, podszlifować I think I should brush up a bit on my Japanese before visiting Osaka.
Myślę, że powinienem podszlifować trochę swój japoński przed wizytą w Osace.
I fell asleep on the bus and ended up at the bus station.