A prepositional verb is a verb + preposition.
Tm waiting for you. The dog belottgs to our neighbours.
The preposition always goes before the object.
NOT fan-waiting-you-for.
In questions the preposition usualły goes at the end of the scntence {sec Unit 38).
Who arc you waiting for?
Soinc verbs C3n go with a number of different prepositions.
■ Tm looking at these photos. Theyre reallygood. Ttu lookingfor my ticket. I cantfind it anywherc. Tm looking after the ciuldren while tlteir parents arc out. The police arc looking into the matter.
Herc are some morę examp)es.
Ycs, I agree with you. Tom’s neighbours apologized for the noise.
I approve of the new scheme. I think it'$ a good idea.
Have you applied for thejobł 'The patient asked for a glass of water.
Do you believe in God? Tm sorry, but l dont care about your problems.
Lots of people care for elderly relatwes. (= look after)
I didn't care for the film. (= likc) Pleasc concentrate on your work.
The US consists of fifty States. / can den! with any enąuiries
Claire finally dccidcd on a holiday in Turkey.
Whether we go out will depend on the weather. 1 feel likc a drink. (= want)
Evcryonc laughed at thejoke. I was listening to the radio.
Did you payfor the coffec? You cant rety on the weather forecast.
Tli see to the matter at once. Vicky suffers front headachcs.
We do not normaUy use a preposition after these verbs:
answer, approach, contro], dcmand, enter, cxpcct, lcavc rcach, rcqucst
The Prtsident >s catering the buiiding. NOT Hc is cniering-into-dte-buildittg.
We can use about after many verbs. Herc arc some of them:
ask. complain. dreaiu. enquirc, hcar, know. learn, protest, speak. talk, think, wonder Did you hcar about the accident? Mark was talking about golf.
We do not use about after discuss.
We discussed the problem, not We-disaissed-about-lhe problem.
Notę the meaning of dream of. hear of and think of.
Ifauffi&nfyason? - l don’t know. Tve neverheard of him.
Did you likc lite play? W fiat did you think of it?
Wc can apologizc to, complain to, talk to and writc to a person.
Tm writing to my sister. We talked to Natasha about classical musie.
We do not usc to after phone.
Tm phoning the office. NOY Tm-phonmg^o-th&offiee.
> 70Vcrb ♦ preposition • ingform
1 Prepos Compłet Laura: 01ivia:
This is pt after eacf
I’m work much m< should (2 work is tl moment (6)
Put in th<
Mark and (►)see to lt’s usuail Sarah did company. Shc (4) . for hcr. H bcing Ute Sarah mei front him Mark and