1. The film starts at 7.30.
2. The film starts at 7.30.
3. They broke up many years ago.
4. Alain has lived on this boat sińce 1995.
5. It’s really difficult living with teenagers.
6. The company is planning to build a circular hotel in space.
7. The company is planning to build a circular hotel in space.
8. It cost too much money.
9. It costs a little.
10. At the moment only millionaires can go on holiday in space
11. One day you might be able to go there yourself.
12. We are going to go to Australia.
13. We are going to go to Australia.
14. This is Robert’s bike.
15. Robots will take over the .world.
16. Robots will take over the world.
17. Robots will take over the world.
18. It was his idea!
19. They will have two children.
20. They will have two children.
21. Stuart thinks universities need morę money.
22. Exams are the best way to fmd out what students know.
23. In 1977 Phillip went to see Star Wars for the first time.
24. In 1977 Phillip went to see Star Wars for the first time.
25. He wanted to be a knife thrower.
26. He used to wear glasses when he was 12.
27. He used to wear glasses when he was 12.
<28. Hę used to wear glasses when he was 12.
29. Kevin is going to go to Spain next summer.
30. Kevin is going to go to Spain next summer.
31. Kevin is going to go to Spain next summer.
32. Kevin is going to go to Spain next summer.
33. He has 5 cats.
34. Hę has got a brand new car.
35. He has got a brand new car.
36. It took them 5 days to get there.
37. It usually takes her 15 minutes to get to work.
38. She has decided to leave the country.
39. He has always wanted to build a house.
40. They have always dreamt of going to India.
41.1 have been to 10 foreign countries.
42.1 have been to 10 foreign countries.
43. It was hęr fault! !
44.1’m thinking about holidays. f'
45. She got there bv train.
46. He has always wanted to work abroad.
47. He wanted to save £100^
48.1’ve plenty of time.
49. She used to like him.
50. They used to live here.