APC 13 08 25 22 7 3d

Notę: 1) We normally use be going to to talk about something we intend to do and will to give details or make comments. e.g.A: l'm going to have a party next week. III invite all my friends. B: That'll be great.
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APC 13 08 25 03 3 3d Notę: We use the past simple to talk about actions which were performAPC 13 08 25 36 3 3d Notę: The past perfect is the past equivalent of the present perfect.APC 13 08 25 44 0 3d Notę: The past perfect continuous is the past BL ^ ^ equivalent of theAPC 13 08 25 59 7 3d ♦ Be used to + noun pronoun -ing form = be accustomed to, be in the hAPC 13 08 25 48 7 3d & ♦ Shall l/we ... ? a) to make an offer. e.g. Shall I do the washinAPC 13 08 25 09 7 3d 7 We haven t been to the theatre for a year. time The last time we went tAPC 13 08 25 46 7 3d Passive ♦ present infinitive: (to) be + past particAPC 13 08 25 21 5 3d Notę: With adjectives which refer to character we can also use an impAPC 13 08 25 24 7 3d f t ♦ after certain nouns and pronouns such as something, somewhere,APC 13 08 25 37 2 3d Notę: If two to -infinitives are joined with and or or , the toAPC 13 08 25 52 3 3d ♦ We use the past simple, and not used to, in the following cases:&nbAPC 13 08 25 58 6 3d ♦ We use would/used to for repeated actions or routines in the past.APC 13 08 25 40 2 3d c) when we ask politely about someone s plans for the near futurę (whAPC 13 08 25 47 0 3d ♦ after the verbs: hear, listen to, notice, see, watch, and feel to dAPC 13 08 25 30 8 3d vS.vm Notę: 1) We normally use be going to to talk about something weAPC 13 08 25 16 2 3d We use the past continuous: a) for an action which was in progress atAPC 13 08 25 18 4 3d b) for an action which was in progress when another action interrupteAPC 13 08 25 21 6 3d c) for two or morę simulta-neous past actions. She was tAPC 13 08 25 39 5 3d The past perfect is used with the following time expressions: before, więcej podobnych podstron