APC 13 08 25 44 6 3d
♦ after expressions such as be busy, it's no use, its (no) good, it's (not) worth, what's the use of, can't help, there's no point (in), can't stand, have difficulty (in), have trouble, have a hard/difficult time, etc. e.g. What's the use of waiting for an answer?
She is busy writing the wedding invitations.
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APC 13 08 25 58 6 3d ♦ We use would/used to for repeated actions or routines in the past.APC 13 08 25 03 6 3d ♦ won t to express unwillingness or an emphatic refusal, even when thAPC 13 08 25 19 3 3d ♦ after adjectives which a) describe feelings/emotions (happy, glad,APC 13 08 25 24 7 3d f t ♦ after certain nouns and pronouns such as something, somewhere,APC 13 08 25 31 0 3d ♦ after: be + the first/second, etc./next/last/best, etc. e.g. He was APC 13 08 25 36 1 3d ♦ after verbs and expressions such as ask, learn, find out, wonder, wAPC 13 08 25 42 5 3d ♦ after: dislike, enjoy, hate, like, love, p ref er to ex press generAPC 13 08 25 45 8 3d ♦ after: spend, waste, lose (time, money, etc.). e.g. We wasted a lotAPC 13 08 25 46 9 3d ♦ after prepositions. e.g. He was found guilty oflying iAPC 13 08 25 47 0 3d ♦ after the verbs: hear, listen to, notice, see, watch, and feel to dAPC 13 08 25 56 3 3d ♦ after the verbs let, make, see, hear and feel. e.g. They saw her talk toAPC 13 08 25 58 5 3d ♦ after had better and would rather. e.g. You had better see a doctorAPC 13 08 25 21 6 3d c) for two or morę simulta-neous past actions. She was tAPC 13 08 25 40 6 3d We use the past perfect continuous: a) to put emphasis on the duration&nbsAPC 13 08 25 44 0 3d Notę: The past perfect continuous is the past BL ^ ^ equivalent of theAPC 13 08 25 50 2 3d o O)/ , J. r-> O <o J)S«,CjCcb^ ■ fcO; S&O^dgK*^ fSoAPC 13 08 25 52 3 3d ♦ We use the past simple, and not used to, in the following cases:&nbAPC 13 08 25 59 7 3d ♦ Be used to + noun pronoun -ing form = be accustomed to, be in the hAPC 13 08 25 00 8 3d ♦ Get used to + noun pronoun -ing form = become accustomed to e.g. a)więcej podobnych podstron