APC 13 09 04 05 0 3d
♦ We use the + adjective to refer to a group of people usually with the adjectives: poor, rich, sick, injured, elderly, unemployed, homeless, disabled, young, old, dead, blind, deaf, handicapped, mentally ill. e.g. The young are usually impatient.
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APC 13 08 29 24 0 3d ♦ We use the comparative form + than to compare two people, things, eAPC 13 09 08 00 2 3d ♦ We use there + be to mention something for the first time or to sayAPC 13 09 04 10 2 3d ♦ We normally use could with the verbs see, hear, smell, taste, feel, APC 13 09 04 29 2 3d ♦ need = it is necessary to e.g. Need I talk to the boss right away?APC 13 09 06 52 0 3d ♦ We can report someone s words either a long time after they weAPC 13 09 08 27 4 3d ♦ We use most/ some/ any / many / much / (a) few/ (a) little / several / oAPC 13 09 02# 10 0 3d Notę: We use a/an, one/two, etc. with uncountable nouns such as coffeAPC 13 09 02# 50 7 3d ♦ We use one or one of ... when we mean one person/thing out of many.APC 13 09 08 54 6 3d ♦ We use as if I as though after verbs such as acf, appear, be, behavAPC 13 09 08 58 9 3d ♦ We use as if/as though + past tense when we are talking about an unAPC 13 08 25 52 3 3d ♦ We use the past simple, and not used to, in the following cases:&nbAPC 13 08 25 58 6 3d ♦ We use would/used to for repeated actions or routines in the past.APC 13 08 29 27 1 3d ♦ We use the + superlative form + of/in to compare one person, thing,APC 13 09 02# 43 0 3d ♦ before Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms when we refer to an unknown person. e.g. A MrAPC 13 09 04 41 2 3d ♦ with the names of sports, games, activities, days, months, celAPC 13 09 04 12 3 3d ♦ In negations we can use couldn tor wasn t/ weren t able to with no diffeAPC 13 09 04 15 5 3d ♦ have to = it is necessary to do sth e.g. We have to be at the airport atAPC 13 09 04 18 8 3d ♦ Must and have to have different meanings in questions. e.g. Must Iwięcej podobnych podstron