Yourdifficulty is: Tight Muscles: Equipment:
Starting Position:
Common Errors:
Normal Mobility:
Bending or straightening your hips sufficiently.
This is a generał exercise for most muscles around the hips.
Chairs or similar support. Cushion or other soft support for knee. Smooth floor and socks that slide. (Only one chair shown, so as not to obstruct view of stretching movement).
Place right knee on cushion. and stabilize body firmly with hands on chair seats to take weight off lower back and knee. Slide left heel forward. leg straight. Straighten right hip. keeping upper body verlical, wilhoui arching your back.
1. Slide straight left leg forward so that stretch is felt along back of left thigh and front of right thigh and hip.
2. Press left heel down on floor; hołd for 5 seconds.
3. Relax, and slide left heel forward to limit - maybe a litlle bit morę.
4. Rcpeat until you feel you can stretch no further and muscles feel tighL Hołd this finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę.
1. Rctain position; tighten muscles of right buttock.
2. Kcep left knee straight; try to bend left hip.
3. Hołd position a few seconds.
* Pelvis tilts or turns rclative to trunk.
* Hands and arms don't take enough weight.
* Right foot pressed down, putting too much body weight on knee.
* Left leg turned inward or outward.
1. Switch leg positions to exercise muscles on opposite side.
2. This is one of the morę commonly nccded stretches.
3. Upper body may be inclined slightly forward, back straight, to in-crease stretch along back of left thigh.
4. A baekward tilt of pelvis ('taił between the legs’), with lower belly pullcd up toward navel. inereases stretch on front and inside of right hip and thigh.
From a standing position and with back straight. it should be possible to lean the upper body forward to a horizontal position or move either leg slightly baekward, without any arching of lower back.