


Your difficulty is: Tight Muscle:

Pulling in lower jaw on the right side, with mouth slightly open.

Muscle involved in pushing jaw out:

1 pterygoideus lateralis.

Starting Position:

Sit with back straight and ’long’ neck. Open mouth slightly. Place -ja hand on back of head and left thumb inside mouth on right back teeth- i forefinger and middle finger on right side of jaw.


1.    Look to the right. Push right side of jaw backward with left hand so rna stretch is felt on right side of jaw.

2.    Look to the left. Try to thrust jaw forward and to the left against pressu* of left hand; hołd for 5 seconds.

3.    Relax and look to the right. Use left hand to push right side of backward to limit - maybe a little bit morę.

4.    Repeat until you feel you can stretch no further and muscles feel igai Hołd this finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę.


Common Errors:


Normal Mobility:

1.    Release grip. Place left hand on right side of jaw, fingers hooked :<•« back edge.

2.    Look to the right. Open mouth slightly, and move jaw back and te rae right to limit.

3.    Resist movement with left hand.

4.    Hołd position a few seconds.

*    Head turns.

*    Neck bent backward.

*    Thumb slides off back teeth.

*    Fingers fail to support jaw.

Stretch should be felt only on right side of jaw.

You should be able to puli your jaw in a little.


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