23 He has a ............routine. He’s up at 7:30
cvery morning.
A frcc B regular C usually
24 As a luli-timc writer. she often needs to
update her.............
A email B lifc C wcbsite
25 It*s not easy to write so shc needs to get in
thc ...........first.
A mood B way C routine
26 Jill's housc has beautiful indoor and
A fences B neighbours C fcatures
27 I'm in tlat 0. Ifyou nccd anything.............by
A go B drop C fali
28 Cynthia always............mc laugh. She‘s so
29 Helen Kellar was............and dcaf.
A still B public C blind
30 We live............the third floor.
31 ............place in New York City has its own
sights and sounds.
A Ali B Some C Each
32 There are a lot of different tourist............in
the area.
A parks B attractions C art gallcrics
33 The library is............the post officc and thc
A to B betwecn C from
34 ............ right into Hillscnd Street and thc
hotel is on the left.
A Turn B Dircct C Takc
35 New York is not............Athens.
Antarctica has............pcoplc than Africa.
A fcwcr B further C farther
The ............ of Asia has morc inhabitants
than Europc.
A city B contincnt C country
Life is............in India than in France.
A colder B cheaper C higher
The ............of Asia is larger than that of
A population B rainfall C climatc
Go............along this Street until you get to
the end and then turn left.
A second B straight C left
You need to take a............so you won't get
A compass B fact file C chart
His new Hat has an............view of the park.
A outdoor B indoor C incrcdiblc
The ............ name of Mexico is United
Mejdcan States.
A popular B national C official
............ in Mexico varies from deserts to
A Vcgetation B Adventure C Currency
Moscow can be............than Los Angeles.
A very much humid B a bit humid C a lot morę humid
My bedroom is not very............; in fact it s
a bit cramped.
A bright B spacious C basie
Sam’s new fiat is in Colchester and is
............his other place.
A much quiet than B much quieter than C morę quieter than
A as crowded B as hot as C as high as