Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE65

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE65

TEST 8 A (Module 8)

Blockbuster 2






('limc: 50 minutes)


A. Replace the words in hołd with their synonyms.

•    similar • idenlical • shocking • depressed • bad • gentle • bold

•    boring • amazing • alone • sensible

eg. To me, the two watches look alike. similar

1    The polłce gave her the terrible news last night.

2    I found the musie rather monotonous!

3    The concert we went to last night was brilliant.

4    The weather madę him feel rather sad.

B. Circle the correct item.

e.g. 1 accidcntally......... into somebody.

A went (§)bumbed C tapped

11    I love science fiction films because of the


A    spccial    B    crazy    C    gentle

12    Peter is veiy........ and he wants to be the

best in the class.

A    ambitious    B    gentle    C    cxciting

13    Janc is a.........child who docs not likc to

ask questions in class.

A    carcful    B    shy    C    kind

14    If our maths lessons were morę......... then

I wouldnt fali aslccp in class!

A activc B cncrgctic C livcly

15    Bctty is puzzlcs.

A    scnsitivc    B    crazy    C    interested

5    Indiana Jones was a fearless charactcr.

6    Dr Phillips is a vcry wisc woman.

7    My grandmother is a vciy quict and kind person.

8    Sometimes I really like being on my own

9    1 think this musie is rcally awful!

10 Karcn and Katic arc exactly the same.

/ Marks:-\

l 10x1    10I

16    Our teacher is a very.........person who trics

to help us with our problems.

A friendly B curious C brave

17    I didn’t like that film. 1 don’t think it’s worth

A doing    B seeing    C having

18    Veronica always cries when she watches

romance films. She’s very..........

A shy B sensitive C advcnturous

19    Sam doesn’t hang out with a big group of

kids, only a fcw......... friends.

A next    B close    C near

20    Paul isvcry..........Ile lovesextreme sports.

A adventurous B bold C energetic

/ Marks:-\


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