Test 8 A
H. You will hear someone talking ahnut how t» live with noisy neighbours. Choose the hest
answer/4, B or C.
e.g. Sometimes noisy ncighhours arc A rathcr monotonous.
B too creative.
©difficult to live with.
46 Noisy neighbours can A make your dog bark.
B aftect your health.
C be worried.
47 If you have noisy neighbours, tire first thing to do is
A explain the situation to them.
B just ignore them.
C lurn up your TV.
4K Your neighbours may not realise A who you arc.
B that thcrc is a problem.
C what to do.
49 You should show your neighbours that you are
A annoyed.
B calm.
C angry.
50 What should you do if the problem continues?
A Complain to the policc.
B Record the noisc.
C Telephone your neighbours.
(Marks: - \
5*2 m I