Test 8 B
C. Underllne the correct word.
e.g. I don’t know nnyone/evcrvone who can help
21 I ca»’t stand to play/pluying football.
22 Look! There is something/anything in my
D. Rewritc the sen ten ces using the passive.
e.g. Iltcy test the equipment every month.
The equipmenl is tesied every month.
26 /\lcxander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.
23 Martha’s Corning to the party, isn*t she/ doesn'l she?
24 He told/said me that hc was looking for a new job.
25 Billy’s too/quitc short to rcach the shclf.
/ Marks:-\
l Sx2 10 i
28 People make a lot of medicines from wild plants.
29 Thcy grow a lot of grapes in France.
27 Gcorgc Orwell wrotc the book 1984.
30 Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
5x2 10
E. Choose the correct respon.se.
e.g. 1 think this film is terrible.
0 Do you really? B Surę, no problem.
31 Tltafsa ncw jackct. isn't it? It's lovely.
A Nevcr mind. B Do you really think so?
32 Do you cnjoy shopping alonc?
A I*d rather go with a friend.
B Don't worry about it.
33 I‘m terribly sorry, but Ive left my purse at homc.
A Don't worry about it.
B Surę. no problem.
34 Does she like chatting to her brother on the phone?
A Don't worry about it.
B Shc'd rather chat to a friend.
35 Could you plcase help mc with thesc books? A Ccrtainly. B Oops!
36 Would you mind closing the door, plcase? A No problem. B Thank you.
37 I havcn't finished the work yet and I fccl terrible about it.
A Surę, no problem. B That's OK.
7x2 14