Kecent advances in cellular science are heralding an important oolutionary (urn-ing point. For almost fifty years we havc held the illusion that our health and fate wcre preprogrammed in our gen es, a concept referred to
as genetic deterniinacy. Thougli mass consciousness is currentl) łmhiied wltK^fe, the belief that the character of one's life is genetically predetermincd, a 3 radical new understanding is unfolding at the leading edgo of sclenćbflj
Cellular biologists now recognizc that the environnient - tlu* c\tcrnnl tini-jj verse and our internal physiology - and morę iinportantly, our perceptlon 'V of the emironment, directly control the activity of our genes. Tlils vldeo*'J will broadly review the molecular mechanisms by which en>ironmental'. awareness interfaccs genetic regulation and guidos organismal oolutłon. >
The quantum physics behind thcsc mechanisms providc insiglit into the com-munication channels that link the mind-body duality. An awareness of how vibrational signatures and resonance impact molecular coinmiinicatiOTV< constitutes a master key that unlocks a mechanism by which our thougłfts, attitudes and heliefs create the conditions of our body and the cxtcrnnl worldy
Bruce H Llptoe. Ph 0. cellular hiologlst. autlwr. and former Associate Professor at tira Unlverslty ot Wlsconsln'8 School af Medicine His pioirasrlna research on cloiad human cells at wiscoeslu and Stanford Unlveriity's School of Msdlclne presaged the rovolntlonary field of eplgonetloi. the now science ef how envlronraent and perceptlon control gonai.
H* 2001 Splrlt 2000 He WWW splrlt20ll.COM 1-IOO itl IS7I ll Hiporatlll Wltl Meiotili L i v i P r • d i c 11 • n i Vldbo producad by Jenny Myert Prodoctlont Packaglng OeHon by Robert Mueller
Previously releascd undfir the title. ‘ The Biology ot Belief" '
The New Biology - Wfjere Mind & Matter Meet