The pnncipal adł/antage d this shelter is that il can be erecten with a minimum of excavation in locaiions where theie s poor drainage or where ihe yiound-watar labie is close to the sur face Hawevs'', :h° a*posure of ihe sheiter above grcund repuires Ino addition ol earth mounding arcund all sidas A maximurn slope of I on 2 is recommendel! wthm 18 fest ot the shelter.
To accomrnodate mora peoplc. increasa Ihe shelter length 1 ’-3" lor each addiliofial shelter space. Do not Increose the 10-3" *.dth wilhoul redesgnhg ihe roof slab for the longer span.
Electrical sen/ice may be trought to tha sheller fron a separale circun in the house A branc.n Circuit breaker snoukł be instalted ns-rie lhc shelter Th s s for uss uncer rcrrral times, sińce electric pov/er may or may not be availabło durirg the sheter coriori
The cptionat air nlake hood, showri below, can be iristallod at1er fne błasi wave nas passed. by renovmg tne ęcoseocck piping and slipcing :hs air in’.ake over the pipo and tightening the hocd tc the pipę.
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