The Church of The Holy Trynity at the Lublin’s Castle
The Church of The Holy Triniiy which is one of the Cast!e's comple.x. is generally called Castle's Chapei.
According to the source materia! the first mention of the church of the Holy Trinity has appeared in 1325-27.
The Church then. raised in the area of the wooden town which e.xisted already in XII Century.
Nowadays no data 'available does not let us to reproduce the original appearance of the church.
In XVI Century Kazimierz Wielki the King of.Poland had buik the brick custle and church on the castle's hill.
The church was'then one storied building with crypi and presbytery.
On the tum of XIV and XV Century, the church has been superstructured in the lower part of the building there was crypi and the upper part with the place for relicio-n cult.
Goihio church had multilateral presbytery and a square nave with the central piilar which held up ribbed vauit.
In the sccond decade of XV Century. at the suggestion of King Władysław Jagiełło, the group of russian painters together with master Andrew had eovered inside o!- the church by rus-byzantine polychromy. On the lOth of August !4i,S the paiming had been finishcd and master Andrew had had li.xed
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Ii is e.xccpnonal lact because artistical creation in Middle Ages was mosily anonymous.
Inside of the Goihic church russian painters had rcalisod iconographic prouram cf paintings which was adapted for cupo!a's church.
On the vauit of the nave and presbytery. painters had represemed heaveniy wsion of the Hoiy Trinity. Uppermost parts of the walls are covered by from the Old Testament. The walls upper zonę are girdled with chronological secnes from Jesus Christńs lifc. partfcural^ bh«. la st y*afS of In is life. together with the widen passion eycle (presbytery).
Western parts of the nave and also surfuce ot the piilar. the painters had fiiled by figurative composition with histographycal contents. and lower parts of the walls' by secural motifs. •
The polyehromy had been painied by three main painters with master Andrew. an artists had madę their work according to thematic compie.xes. Paintinus of the vauit and uppermost parts ol the waiis are painied by painter Cyryl u hose sitmaiurc had been discovercd on the vau!l ol the nave,
Sce.nes in upper lines of the nave with the cycłe ol twelve holy days in a year also with passion trend in presbytery. are sureły painted by master Andrew.