Connections III Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi15

Connections III Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi15


MB Conncctlona 3 ?ES7S 3P.qxd 27/04/07    10:17 Pagc 16

1 Read the texts A-E and answer the tjuestions.

A I ve aeen m the same schód sińce I was eleven, and IVe always enfpyed n here - uli ncw. Eserythng has cfanęed. WeVe |usl gol a new girl m our drama dass. She s realy horrtble. and shes partcular)/ hornbłe lo me. I don! want lo stop doing drama because tt's realy nteresbrg. but if I don t co scmethng about it II be unhappy.

B I sl-are a fas wttt Ihree ctter studeres bul l'm the ony cne ntvo does ary housewcrk. Th-e olhers always say mai theyre too busy because they ra.e la co 3 toi cf worts fcr therr ccurse. Tm In the same ponton as them but l do all tne housewortt because I don t want to Ir.e o an urody, drty place.

C My situaton al werk has been qutte bad tor a tong time Thls is because ot a coieague. wbo has worked with me sińce the beglnning ot the year. He s edremety rude and he never says sorry for tne ternbfe tNngs he says. Betore he |oined me company I enyoyed my |0b. because it was mterestng and chaileoging. but I dcol Ike n any morę and lve decided to leaee and get arother /oo.

O My brether rs very unnetpful a: home He a>ways says hes too tred to fmtsh hs househod chores I don t mlnd corg my share. but I dcol want to do his. too. I want to say scmethng to hm aoout It. but I know that he wll react very tadly and shout at me. I m not frghcened ot tum but i dont really want to ha.e an argument.

E Where I work. w* re not allowed to do alt sorts ot things because our boss ts cery strtt. My famiy say that I d better lock tor another yob. but l‘m not surę. I Ve neard mat the boss Is gorg to move tron our ot1 ce to another depanmeot and l hope thafs troe. It t s. Ml be able to er^cy the job moe because l went have to wairy about peasng h»m al! the orne.

Question 1 Tick (✓) the correct box.

1    What are all the writers talking about? a decisions they have madę b situations that have changed c probleins they have now

Questions 2-10 Write the letters A-E.

2    l in going to move to another place.

3    If I discuss the situation, someone will get angry. _

4    Someone dislikes me mote than other people. _

5    People have gtven me advlce about my situation. _

6    I think that other people should help me.    _

7    I like what I do.    _

8    Ifs possible that someone will lease.    _

9    I do all the work.    _

10 I have a ptobleni with a family member.    _

MH11 ł tol

2 Write about your home life and friends. Include:

•    details about where you live and who your friends are, using the present perfect and fur and .fince

•    details about rules at home. using mus*, haw to, eon f oml, and allotved

•    futurę predictions concerning you and your friends

Include appropriate vocabulary for household chores and feelings (ing/-ed).

HH11 /Tó]

3 <£ircle)the correct answers.

1 _six yeats.

A I know lum for B I‘ve known him fot C I knew him sińce

2    _work much hardei at school next year.

A You're having to B You'll tnust C Youll hase to

3    I'm surę he didn‘t mean_you feel bad.

A to make B make C making

4    At my school._take mobiles to class.

A ifs not allowed to B we"re not allowed to

C we‘re not allowed

5 _you phone back later, please?

A May B CoukJ C Shall

6    I'U_washtng-up for you.

A do B tnake the C do the

7    ‘What can we do tonight?' _a DV'D?'

A Why we don-! watch B How about watching C Lefs to watch

8    I thought it was a sery_film.

A boteing B bored C boring

9    If you_now. you'U be late for school.

A aren't leasing B won'i leave C don't lease

10 _Lisa sińce we played tennis together.

A I don't see B I didn‘t see C I havent seen

I Mark

| Total

1 /301

MMMMMII & Oxford University Press



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