DO Connectlons 1 TE37S 2P.gx4 5/10/07 10:39 Pago 15
» They/sleep
1 Write sentences using posili ve and negative forins of the present continuous.
► dance io the musie
She / ta tbŁ _
1 X lica cal daafcie^ ta rhu aniiŁ.
1 do the washing-up
She X _
He ✓ _
2 lis ten to musie
1 ✓ _
You X _
3 wash the car
He ✓ _
1 X -
4 run to school
You X _
We ✓ _
5 sunie
They / _
We X _
6 ptaetise for the show
She ✓ _
He X _
2 Write the questions and complete the short answers using the present continuous.
Arg tKfty % 1*^ e . -o^ Yes. they e
1 She / buy a newspapet
Yes. she .
3 Complete the words for clothes.
► He's wearing blue j^. a. jo.
1 Do you like my new T-_____?
2 My yellow ti____look good with tliis skin.
3 It's a good idea to wear b____when it's tainy.
A Heweatsabigh__onhishead.
5 Weat a ju____because n's cold.
6 Wear sotne so___to keep your feet wann.
■!*TM /T1
4 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
► U is 20 people In my class. The.-e a.«-e
1 Is it a theane in your town? _
2 Tliat trousers are nice. _
3 There is 200 studems at the
unleersity. _
A Those shirt is a hotrible eolour. _
5 They are three girls in my family. _
6 There aren t no tickets for the
5 Write these amounts of money as you say thern.
► 65p r..xt-<-T.vą ę> / --.iitry-five
1 £16.47
2 £23.01
3 12p
A £8.99
5 £11.80
6 5p
2 lt/open
No, u .
3 They / live in England
Yes. they
4 You/joke
Yes. I
5 He / play on Saturday
No. he
6 1/cooksuppet
No, 1.
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