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Modern farin animais and crops are the result of centuries of selective ęorecding) cultÓiłTOn, education mating reproduetion

f( took a long firne lor the theory of evolution to be......

absorbed faćcepted} aęknowlejgsd. tolerared Much of our knowledge rfbSut ecólutión comes from the study of artefacts 4 fossils^ relics ruins tracks My friend is a keen amateur

natural historian naturalist naturist nationalist He gets very    abour experiments being carried out on live animais.

worked down worked out worked over worked up

One of the effects of acid rain is that it causes plants to.......

contract flourish shrink thrive wither

Waste papcr can be............. instead of being burnt.

decomposed incinerated recycled revamped

There are over 850,000 narned...........of insects on this planet.

eolonies families species styles varieties Rabbits and mice are

amphibians carnivores marsupials rodents Crocodiles and alligators are

crustaceans herbivores mammals reptiles The oak and the beech are

bushes coniferous trees deciduous trees shrubs Crows and yultures are    , living on carrion.

parasites predators scavengers scroungers The lioness lay in wait for her

gamę lunch prey target victim Rats, mice and cockroaches are usually considered to be cuddly mischievous pets vermin weeds

Cattle and chickens are ..........animais.

domestic domesticated house-broken obedient tamę wild

Your cat has scratched me with its........

claws fangs hoofs nails paws pincers whiskers

We all admired the parrot’s beautiful.........

bark coat fleece fur hide plumage

Many insects. such as wasps and ants. use their .....to touch objects.

aerials antlers feelers horns whiskers

A.......... hatches from an egg laid by a butterfly.

Caterpillar chrysalis maggot moth snake worm

We saw a huge ............. of birds through our binoculars.

crowd (lock herd pack shoal swarm

The .....that we’ve gathered in the woods will taste delicious fried in butter.

champions leaves lidien mushrooms toadstools

Squirre!s and rabbits are • .......... little creatures.

amiablc cuurteuus delicious elegant endearing ext.ravagant ficrce

Look again at the words that you didn’t use in the gaps. Do you know why cach is wrong in the context? Highiight any of thcm that you want to remember.


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