

N* ••<ji »• n*rn«t in bidtlwii w li li an objati pronoun.

*    C»»» you f*av» (tha car) tii*:ł    at (h« liotal?

V«». Ił'» i»«> Can you ««kyvi>ai tir>\    ... to c*H (M«ł

* Ma*» dl Itiru h wlth (John anrt Flaha) _

^ Can you tali (Chris)____    _________l‘m In a maaiing

4 l‘d lit# to apaali to (Alan)    _ ,    ptrtaoa.

• i mii Mu maat (Llaa and ma)_____.__at tłtraa cr' * Iw w i

II U># lh»* prompit to wrlt# cyuestlons utlng comparatluat.

I SłOarM / cnld / Norway cr,yygto' ; » ,at#.h _ .^1 —

Spaln / popular wlth tourłsts / Franco ______

' worklng hours In Chilo / lonp / In Germany____


4 C anada / smaller / Poland -v-^    w

fi, your horne / dangerous / the city streets ______


iMmlmc ihc adjectives fnto English and put them into comparatw* spokojny, drogi, bezpieczny, brudny, zły

and *up«»VaCVł« ło#m%






5-tl^O -

/V M.tko qucstions and negative sentences.

1.    | work for a big international company.

. .. ?_

2. Jazz musicians often play at his restaurant.


3. She makes her own travel arrani?ements.

_ • ' ......; | _ ..

4. lan Eldridge's company has morę than 300 restaurants.


5. She can have a meeting with my boss at 2:25 on Monday afternoon.

_    7

Translate into English:

1.    luksusowe apartamenty

2.    udogodnienia dla biznesu__

3.    siłownia feiVH____

4.    basen ^ło \ MtA(jn__

5.    skręć w drugą ulicę w lewo.-

6.    omiń Hotel Sheraton ___

7.    /dz prosto_ __

8.    przejdź przez tunel    -

9.    przejdź przez ulicę__1___

10.    wejdź do budynku    ____


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