firm inH*' '
i. R«t4 ft* artkfe ««K» łtecMe whctber Uwsc aentenęea are <nteCD gr.fafrem.
Saperaosic htt travcL
S^ank m n«d k poised to make a comebadc Japanesc and Fitach aeroopece industrici hm agreed aa a icaotoch aa np to devełop the acM-geamrioa Concorde. The new aaiioer wili be fwkn and ant (bet cgicai dna la paadaoataac. hatrnrry snalysts say tac mrWmg togetberof Ficach anaboa ezpemoe io ibe Sdd of a^anoaic fusśt wtth Japaneae trriniogy and umovatkn wiB prodace a coaancrdaDy viabfe piane. Japm’a Econa}, Trads md tadńtry hCaum Shoichi Nafcagaaa tm± “We woold Hke tbe fodostńes to rafia aapenaaac nampcrt by c—*■■■< Japma aamafcrmńg technołogr wito Faace's mpaioaic techaojofy.* The MmatadaiahriiAirShMtoJmli
The iaohed pratoa eoełd taite to dte skies wńłtia kx> yean. Tbe RAD phaac of the project wQ] spać three jatos. SpadaBa teams *3 aak aa mcm Aaaeiage antenata Aa cm cope aiA Ac ptysirai aamaea of apammic amei. Ha a ośka! aa &e Japaneae ode says k cm coasaact m eagmecapaMe of foppńg Maż SS, ar 5J óas te speed os sccal The eriginal Concorde. whach sopped flyiag m 2003 ow sa&ty cooctrss, had a top apeed af Mach 2, er UBOO kph. & b beSswsd Ae new hjgb-óirimde riaiirr ag capy 300 pamapen zad ttoto toe łgać aae śoea New Yock toTokyo a jest sahourt. down Swa the preaenr 13 boos oo nonaai tsp&msa. Tika pnees me Ecriy to be Ay aigir a loartna Hrw York roaad trip Coacorde licha Ma jw bach Maach at CMOC
3. .Aaałyifi óakt toe co—teroai vinhBf; of tot new piane.
4. The deal was raikaaed a the Para Air Sbcrar.
1 The fiaahadpmdactcaaid bela fe Mes wahna decade. i JapmcmbaOdmeaciae«i*atopapeedofS,300kph.
7. Tir r^rarilTnfIhrai— artinrradlhi ~*1 miaąaari
t. A anaaid ay liada Mew York Concorde beka any ewa radl $20.000
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7i Atwyr {feę gagtjpg below 2s 4-3 KłUtti;__
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