

Fig. 20. Strong and weak aide* of Ihe vlllngo (2003)....................

Fig. 21. Concept of manngemont of a car park In front of tha church (2003)......

Fig. 22. Visualization fragment of daslgned greenery (2003)

Fig. 23. State of management of tha locatlon In tha study (2003)..........................................

Fig, 24. Management In 2008 - new asphalt surfaoe........................................

Fig. 25 Area expk>itatlon - atrong sldes of the vlllago (2006)...........................................

Fig. 26, Plan of development of Centawa (2006).....................................................

Fig. 27. Concept of management ot a sąuara aa a car park (2006).......................................

Fig. 26. Visualization of a concept of management of a square In front of the church (2006)......

Fig. 29. Square In front of the church for management (autumn 2008).........................................I

Fig. 30. Area of the atudy in October 2008......................................................................................

Fig. 31. Strong and weak sides of the village (2005).......................................................................

Fig. 32. Plan of devek>pment of the village Chróścina (2005)........................................................

Fig. 33. Concept of management of a playground (2005)...............................................................

Fig. 34. Visualisations of playground management (2005)............................................................

Fig. 35. View of the area at the moment of elaboration of the concept (2005)......................

Fig. 36. Area presently - a playground (autumn 2008)..............................................................

Fig. 37. Strong and weak sides of the village (2005).............................................................................. ^

Fig. 38. Plan of development of the village Dębie (2005)....................................................................... ęg

Fig. 39. Concept of management of a car park at a fire station (2005)..............................................

Fig. 40. Visualizations of the elaborated area - sectlons (2005).............................................................. jj

Fig. 41. Area of elaboration (autumn 2008)................................................................................................"59

Fig. 42. Present State of the area (autumn 2008)..................................................................................... ’59

Fig. 43. Strong and weak sides of the village (2007)................................................................................. ^

Fig. 44. Plan of development of the village Dobieszowice (2007).............................................................. 61

Fig. 45. Concept of management of a square inside the village (2007)...........................................................

Fig. 46. Visualization of the area induded in the concept and its management (2007).................................

Fig. 47. View of the area induded in the study (2007)...................................................................................g2

Fig. 48. Area of elaboration - lack of realization (October 2008)...................................................................53

Fig. 49. Strong and weak sides of the village (2003)......................................................................................93

Fig. 50. Concept of management 1 - square with a fountain in front of the church (2004)............................54

Fig. 51. Place induded in the project nr 1 - Carried out according to a single idea (autumn 2008)..............64

Fig. 52. Place induded in the project nr 2 - designed to be a car park and inhabitants

meeting place. Lack of realization (autumn 2008).............................................................................64

Fig. 53. Place induded in the project nr 3 - pond - lack of realization. Planting conifer

trees by the fire station, negative for the look of the location (autumn 2008)....................................65

Fig. 54. Strong and weak sides of the village (2007)......................................................................................66

Fig. 55. Plan of development of the village (2007)........................................................................................67

Fig. 56. Project nr 1 - recreation area (2007).................................................................................................67

Fig. 57. Project place nr 1 - lack of realization (autumn 2008)......................................................................68

Fig. 58. Project 2 - square with a chapel (2007): a) plan. b) visualization.....................................................68

Fig. 59. Square with a chapel (autumn 2008).................................................................................................68

Fig. 60. Only conifer trees were planted around the church which was not a good solution

in comparison with a concrete fence (autumn 2008).........................................................................68

Fig. 61. Weak and strong sides of the village (2007).....................................................................................70

Fig. 62. Plan of devek>pment of the village (2007)........................................................................................70

Fig. 63. Projed nr 1 conceming management of a spring in the centre of the village (2007)........................71

Fig. 64. Spring (autumn 2008)........................................................................................................................71

Fig. 65. Project nr 2 - management of surroundings of an old school (2007)................................................72

Fig. 66. Area by the building of the old schód (autumn 2008).......................................................................72

Fig. 67. Strong and weak sides of the village (2004)......................................................................................74

Fig. 68. Plan of deve!opment of Gracze (2004)..............................................................................................74

Fig. 69. Concept of management of a square behind a fire station (2004)....................................................75

Fig. 70. Visualizatk>n of study area (2004)............................................................................................ 7®

Fig. 71. Concept of management of the village centre (2004)................................................................

Fig. 72. Vrsualisation of the study area (2004)...............................................................................................7?

Fig. 73. Area of elaboration (2004)—..........................................................................................................

Fig. 74. State autumn 2008......................................................................................................-.................... .

Fig. 75. Strong and weak sides of the village (2006)............................................................................ .

Fig. 76. Plan of development of Jałowa (2006)................................................................................. 9

Fig. 77. Concept of management of a round vil!age (2006).......................................................... .g

Fig. 78. Visualization of a fragment of the village (2006)................................................................................79

Fig. 79. Management of a square by a church (2006).......................................................—


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