


1 Read the text and correct the sentences.

I 1 Tom Hanks is not very rich.

I 2 You've Got Mail was one of the biggest thrillera of 1998. 1    3 Tom Hanks is the most attractive actor in Hollywood.

Tom Hanks is one of the most famous and richest actors in Hollywood. He's won the Oscar for Best Actor twice. He can play serious roles as well as appearing in morę entertaining and funnier films such as You've Got Mail, one of the biggest comedies of 1998. Tom Hanks isn't the most attractive actor in Hollywood, but most critics agree that he is one of the best actors!

4 Complete the chatroom texts with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

Join in the chat..

Saw it last night. This is Spielberga _(good) film yet. Much

7_(gripping) than his3_(early) films. posted 22.39 5 July

l'm not a Spielberg fan. He may be Hollywood s8_(successful)

director. but his films aren!8_(entertaining). posted 22.44 5 July

2 Underline the comparatlve and superlative adjectives in the text. Complete the table.

the most entertaining

r|    “

■■    3 Write sentences <

gigi IHe(omparatiI Hal    boring entertair

di mm

How can you say that?! Name a ,0_(moving) fil

Schindler's Ust or a "_(scary) one than Jaws posted 22.50 5 July

Long adjectlves

attractive    i


I 3 Write sentences comparing the two films in the table. Use he comparative form of the adjectives in the box and thon.

boring entertaining funny long

popular short yiolent

The toiator was longer than Gladiator.

Length 170 minutes

155 minutes

Popularity 4> *> ł> *>


tfiolence S

* \ * \

Enteitainment © © ©

© © © ©

Laughs * * *

* *

5    Complete the questions using superlative adjectives.

1    who / good-looking / actor in the world?

Who'e the beat-looking actor in the world?

2    what/funny/comedyonTV?

3    who / beautiful / actress in the world?

4    what / boring / programme on IV?

5    who / good / film director in Poland?

6    what / scary / film that you've ever seen?

7    what / good / film that you've ever seen?

6    B3333E3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 5.

In your opinion. who’s the | best-looking actor in the world? |

Scarlett Johansson. What's I Ithe funniest comedy on IV?

ik is the I the world?


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