


you have larąc breasts, a generous tummy and a broad back to support your ample front, bul your legs were boni for fishnets and heels.


THE aim of all your outfits is strike a balancc between your relative chunkiness above and your slim shapeliness bclow. Drop-dead gor-geous legs are the perfect fllllng for slim-fittlng jeans. so count yourself blcsscd.

But that leaves us wlth a new problem — how to min imise your top-hcaviness. First, we need to manage those breasts by lifting and separating. Am’ cross-over or wrap top will do nicely. Leaming how to use texturc and pattern to break upyour body Lsalso key for you. Here a smali busy print on the top mcans we pay no attention to any out-linę of tummy. A three-quarter-length coat ties your casual outflt together. Make surę it is single breasted — so as not to broaden your chest.


A DEEP V-neckline serves two j>urpos<.‘s. It brcaks up the expans<.‘ of your chest and extends your neck.

If you wear it unbuttoned, the llne of the jacket will slice your torso vertically into three slimmer slivers. Wearing it buttoned will clnch in your waist. 0\1ng much-needed curviness to your śilhou-ette. With hips and thighs so slender, ou ean afford to wear a skirt madę of a ,ea\ier fabric. Suede is one of the best for obliterating belly bulges.

We want yoiu- gorgeous legs to be the focus of all the attention. To this end, your shoes are the most important item in your ensemble. These have the sexy sheen of satin and a heel tłiat is solid enough to balance your top half.
