Gomberg map

Gomberg map




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“!■ the futur* dn<* whlrh we -eek to makr aecure. we Wtok forward worid founded upon foor emwntial human freedom-.

“TTie fint la freedom of -peerh and npmWoi — etery *her* In the

“The ereond ta freedom of **try pemm to wonhlp Und In hla own way —-e-erywher* In the worid.

-The thlrd la freedom from want. whlrh tran-lated Inlo wnrM term*, men na eeonomlc undentandlnc- whlrh will aerure lo erer, nallon a hmlthy pe«rr<lm* llfr for Ite Inhahitania — e»rrywhere hi Ihe worid.

“The foorth te frredom from fear. whlrh tnin-lated into worid terma, menn. a world wlde redortlon of armamenl- to aurh a point und In *och a thorouKh faahlon thal no nallon will he In a padlino to rommlt an act of phralral a»Breaaloo acalnnt any nrlirhbor — anywhere in thr worid.

-nuil In no etatom of ■ d łatani inllknnlum li u. a drRnlto baat- for ■ kind of wurłd altalnabW łn our own tlrae and gfoerntlon Thnl kind of a orki l» łhr »ery anllthesta of thr M^mllrd ’nc« order’ of łyranny whirb Ihe dlctatnm -**k to rroite wlth Ihe rra-h of ■ hoaih.

■To thal 'new order’ »e i>jip<~c the irratrr ronreptlon — thr Morał Order . . .

. . . “The worid order which we **ek i* Ihe cooperetlon of free roon-triei. worklnr tofrlh.r in ■ frtandly. cMItaed eocłety ...

. . . “Freedom means the -uprrmac« of human rt»hU. everywh«re . ..

... “To thal high coocrpt there can be no and «ve rirtory."

From Prraidenl Roowerelt’- mcssaec to Ih* 7<th Gonerami on the Sute of Ihe Union.



Outline of


L1. S. A., willi ilu* ruo|><‘rulioii uf ilu* Dcmocracies of Latin-Anu*rira. ihe Driii-li Commonwcalth of * ant! ihe Union of Soviet Socialist Krpiihlir*. amiuni^ worlił l«-atl<-i-Hhi|» for iht* establishment of a New World Morał Order

for prrmanent peace. freedom. justice, security antl worid reconstrurtion.


We. the U.S. A- in rooperation with our allies. for reasons of our nalional safety and in the interests of International morality. are determinrd to crush and completely destroy the military power of the Asia aggressors.and their satellites regardless of rosi. elfort and time necessary to accomplish this łask.

The old worid order of rolonial oppressiun. exploltation of dominions. rival imperialisms and merrenary halance of power diplomary : of majesties. dictators. privileged minorities. plutocrallc monopolists and similar social parasites; the corrupted order responsiblc for the present worid catadysm. endangering our nalional aafety and peareful progres*, shall never rise again.

A Iław World Morał Order for prrmanent peace and freedom shall he estahlished at Ihe successful eon-cluslon of thr present war.

For reasons of hlstory. economic structure. favorable geography and the welfare of mankind. the U. S. A. musi. altruistically. nssume the leadership of the newly ratablished, demoerntir worid order.

To reducc the hurden and criminal waste of armaments expenditures everywhere in the worid. the U.S. A-with the co«»peration of Ijitin-America. the Rritish Commonwullh of Nations. and the U.S.S. R. shnll undertake to guarantee peace to the nations which will he permanently disarmed and demilitarized after the ronclusion of the present war.

In order to be able. In fulflllment of our obligations. to effectively prevent the possihilily of a recurrence of unother worid catadysm. the lnvłncibilily of the U. S. A. as a military'. naval and air power. shall be the major prer«|uisłte.

For reallstlc considerations of strategy nnd our invul-nerability. lt is imperative Ihat the U.S. A. shnll ohlałn relinquishment of Controls of their possessions from all foreign Powers in the entire Western Hemi-sphrre. it* surrnunding watera and strategie island outposts as outlined on accompanyłng map.

For considerations of hemispheric defense nnd in the spirit and tradition of the new .Monroe Doctrine of hemispheric solidarłty and the “Good Nelghbor" pollcy. the U.S. A» with the consent of the l^tin-Americnn Republics. shall ohtain conlrol and protectorate righU of the rełinquished territories.

To strengthen our position in the Caribbean area which is of ohvious importance to hemispheric defense. all possible induerments shall he offered lo our neighbors of Central America and the West Indies to facilitate their entrance as equal slates of the U. S. A. as outlined ■m map.

To fortify the politico-economic unity of the Western Hemisphere. the U.S. A. shall promote and assist the unificatlon of South America into a well organized. democratie. federated "United States of South America."

The liberated Rritish. French and Netherlands Guianas shall be reorganized as one stale of Ihe U.S-S. A.

All Powera shall relinqulsh their Controls of their colonial. mandat* and strategie island possessions ever> where in the worid.

The Rritish ('ommonwcalth of Nations. Ihe second military and naval Power of importance cooperating in n binding compact with the U.S. A. as a Power for freedom. shall retain and acquire conlrol of such territories. peace-security bases and strategie island outposts essenlial for the maintenance of worid peace and freedom of the seas as outlined on map.

The U. S. S. R- the third military Power of tmportance cooperating with the U. S. A. fis a Power for freedom and the maintenance of worid peace. shall acquire eon troi of the liberated, disorganized adjacent areas and those of Germany'-Austria to be re-educated and eventuully incorporalod as equal republics of the U. S. S. R-. as approximately outlined on map.

A World I.eague of Nationalities with arbitration and supervision powers shall he organized.

A World Court with punitive powers of absolute boy-cott. quarantine. hlockade and occupution hy inter-nationul police. against lawhreakera of international morality shall he organized.

The U.S. A. with Ihe close cooperatlnn of the United States of South America. Ihe Rritish (ommonwcalth of Nations, the U.8.S. R. and the World l-eague of Nationalities. shall promote and amin! in the unificatlon of the relinquished territories and the ureas at present unsnundly divided inlo well organized. democrutic and absolutely demilitarized federated republics as approxi-mately outlined on map.

The areas known as Nclherlands. Belgi u in. Luxem-hurg, Switzerland. France. Spain. Portugal. Ihe island

of Uoraica. and cventual Sardinia and Sicily shall i federated "United States

rlzed. federated "United I

The continent of Afrłca sh as a demilitarized. fed Republics."

The areas known as Su' lraq. Hejns. Yemen. Adei ns u demilitarized unit Republics."

The areas known as Ir

y Italy and the islands ol »e unified as a demilitarized. if Europę."

•den. Norway. Henmark and luli he unified as a demilita-?tates of Scandinavla."

all be reorganized and unified erated "Union of African

tdi Arabia, Syria. Lehanon, i and Oman. shall Ite unified n of “Arubian Federated

dla. including Afghanistan. Raluchistan. Nepal. Hhutn n and Hurma shall be unified as a demilitarized “Fede ated Republics of India."

The areas known as Ch inn. Inner Mongolia, Tlbet. Thailund. Malaya. Indo-CI ina nnd Korea, shnll he unified as a demilitarized. I ederaled "United Republics

The areas known as Greec Dudecanese and adjacent

<•. Macedonia. Albania. Crete. islands in the Aegean sea

shnll be unified as a demilitarized "Federated Republic of (irecce.”

25.    The areas known as Ełre and Northern Ireland shall be unified as a demilitarized independent repuhłie of "Elre.”

26.    The area of the Holy 1-and of the anrient Hebrews. at present known as Palestine and Trans-Jordan, and Ihe adjacent requl»ite regions as outlined on map. for considerations of hifttory and the imperative necessitv to alleviate a post-war refugee problem, shall be unified as a demilitarized independent repuhlir of “Hebrewland."

27.    The area known as Kuropenn Turkey. adjacent to the Dnrdanelles. sea of Murmora and Hosporos. for eon-siderations of realistir peace strateg' shall he phtred under joint ront roi of the U.S.S.R. and Turkey.

2fi. The area known as Turkey shall be u demilitarized independent republic of "Turkey."

29. Ali prohlems of exchunge. transfer and repatrlation of populations shall he admłnislered by the World League of Nationalities.

•10. The rrtminal perpetratora and their partnera in gulll

of this hideous war shall he hrought lo justire and un-forgetable punishmrnl ndministered.

Ali subjerts of Japan and all persons of Japanese origin of doubtful loynlty shall he permanently cxpe!led from the entirc Western Hemisphere. U.S. A. protectorates and strategir island outposts and Ihelr property con-fiscated for post-war reconstrurtion needs.

All subjecls of Germany and Italy and all persons of German and Italian origin known as «eUve supporters of nazi and fascist ideologie* shall be Ireated similarly. German, Italian and Japanese immigration to the Western Hemisphere. its protertonites and island outposts shall be indefinltely sloppcd.

All persons of German origin łn Kast 1'russiu und the Khineland shall be Irnnsferred to inner Germany and the regions permanently de-Prussłanized.

All persons of German. Italian and Japanese origin shall be permanently expclled from their now eon-qucred territories and their property confiscaled for post-war reconstruction needs.

To cleanse the populations of the defeated Axis ag-gressors of the intoxication of military rhauvinism; to elfectuate the removal und destruction of their po-

tent ial military establishments; to recovrr Ihe ac-cumulated loot and to re-educate them for their r« cntunl membership in Ihe Family of Nations. the areas of Germany-Austria. Italy und Jnpan shnll bc hcrmetically and indefinitcly quaranlined and admin-istered by appointed t;overnors subject to supemsion by the World l^ague of Nationalities.

All resources. industrial and labor capacity of the quar-antined areas shall b<> rmploycd for the post-war restoration und reconstrurtion needs.

To redure the numerical power of the aggressor nations. as a pntrntial military advantage. u Population Conlrol Policy shall he eluboratcd und applied in the quarantined areas.

In the New World Morał Order which we seek to estab-lish. bewides thr essential political freedoms. the followlng fundamental economir changes are imprra-


(a)    Nationalization of nil natural resources and equi-tahle dislrihulion of same to all nations—every-where in the worid;

(b)    Nationalization of international banking, foreign investmcnts. railmads and power planU—every-where in the worid;

(c) Nationalization of all armaments produring estab

lishments by all remaining military powers;

(d)    Federal conlrol of foreign commerre nnd shipplng:

(e)    The establishment of a worid common monetary system.

(f)    World-wide limitntions of inlerest rates to a maxi-mum of Iwo percent.

To retain the victorv and leadership of our United democratie elfort—the aim of which is not vcngrancc or exploitation. but freedom nnd security to all nations for pcaceful progress—the unified "Supremę War Com-mand of the Cnited Nations" at the ronclusion of the present war. shall he reorganized nnd transformed into a permanent “Supremr Military und Economic Coundl" collaboraling with Ihe World Lcague of Nationalities in poat-war reconstrurtion and to rnforce worid peace.

The "Supreme Military and Economic Council" shnll app«iint the (>overnora to administer the quarantłncd areas until their eventual parole.

For thia purpotwlul beginning -e musi fighl until abaolute łletery.

