Black-white color disk in motion. The blackest-black ring and the whifest-white ring are the ”subjective" phenomena callcd Mach bands. (Courtcsy of the German Museum in Munich)
Black-white color disk at rest (Gourtesy of the German Museum in Munich)

Machs laboratory officc in Praguc (Courtcsy of Frau Anna Karma Mach)
The "Garolinum." Theoldest, most historie, and central building of the l'nivcr$iiy of Pragnę as it .ippcareel at the end of the nineteenth cen tury (Courtcsy of the Austrian National labran )
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IMG&23 * .ODMIANY ZIEMNIAKA RÓŻNIĄ SIĘ M.IN.: • cecHamiDSCI3114 n B If the lungs are the source of energy that sets the air stream in motion, the sounds arimg166 (3) 22 22 CN: Use a light blue for D, black for F, and gray for H. (1) Do nIMG#23 jrvice States he ‘private’ democracy The Social : the actual act inSeite 23 V*. Ganse Materiał Window-Color-Farben in WeiS, Elfenbein, Dottergelb, Gelb, Schwarz,IMG23 -/IM — fc; ■ lift’4 rafJ * z * „Ji r ItCr-FA iLpft/Ht/V Epl > , Ma in?77Ti)f • md jSfelBAŁWANEK Z MISIEM 5hape head from a 3/4" white bali. Poke holes for eye placement, drop inimage001 JAMES BUSH First pubKcation in on© vołume THE DAT AFTER JUDGEMENT BLACK E ASTER andimage004 l>«a ASO*OWIOA NIBUl AL*>9» (23 by 35")połterj prinMd in duoton* bloo Mach kolor obrazek1 V color management" in Help. This term is searchable From anyColor Settings inFoskanuj0060 (23) W® %£ if**»»-.....>> (2y S&Ę*3 in 1 Skin Expert Urządzenie firmy Kate Beawięcej podobnych podstron