5. Wilhelm Kicnzl, Mcirie LebcnstOUndcrung (Stuttgart, 1926), p. 53.
6. Edwin G. Boring, A History o] Experimental Psychology (New York,
>957). PP- 306-307.
7. SOM, pp. 589-591.
8. Paul Gerber. Grani ta tion und Elek.tritr.itat (ca. 1010).
9. See Gerald Holton, “Infiucnccs on Einstcin's Early Work in Rc!ativity TheoryAmerican Scholar, 37 (1967/1968), 59-79.
10. Friedrich Ilcrncck, "Dic Bczichungcn zwischcn Einstein und Mach, dokumcntarisch dargcstellt," Natur wissenschaftliche Zcitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Uniucrsitat Jena. 15 (1966), 7.
ri. Ibid.
12. Ernst Mach to Hugo Dinglcr, Vienna, April 4, 1910.
13. Ibid., Sept. 4, 1910.
14. Mechanik (Lcipzig, 1933), pp. xviii-xx.
15. Hugo Dinglcr, Der 7. u sam m en brach der Wisscnschaft und der Primal der Philosophic (Munich, 1926).
16. Hugo Dinglcr, “Bilanz der Rclatmiatsthcorie," Stiddetttsche Monatshefte, 23 (1925). 218.
17. Ernst Mach to Hugo Dinglcr, Vienna, Scpt. 4, 1910, and Jan. 26, 1912.
18. Sec chap. 5.
19. Ernst Mach to Wilhelm Ostwald. Vaterstctten. July 23, 1913.
20. SOM. pp. 589-591.
21. Ibid., pp. xxviii and 234-235.
22. Amon Lampa to Ernst Mach, Praguc, Fcb. 9, 1910. The cxact dale of Einstein’* visit to Mach is not elear. Carlton B. Weinbcrg has written (op. cit., p. 104) thąt the mceting occurrcd in "1910-1911.” Gerald Holton belicvcs that tlicy probably met in 1911. If 1911 is correct, then the mceting probably had littlc or nothing to do witli F.instcin’5 cfTort to be appointed at Praguc.
23. Anton Lampa to Ernst Mach, Praguc, Fcb. 9, 1910.
24. Philipp Frank, Pctwcen Physics and Philosophy (Cambridge, Mass., 1941),
pp. 42-43.
25. Philipp Frank. Einstein: His Life and Times (New York, 1947), P- I0>-
26. Anton Lampa to Ernst Mach, Praguc, Fcb. 18, 1910.
27. Frank, Einstein: His Life and Times, p. 78.
28. Carl Scclig, Albert Einstein (Zurich, 1954), p. 138.
29. Frank, Einstein: His IJfe and Times, pp. 172-173.
30. SOM. pp. 589-590; Mario Bungc, "Mach’s Critiquc of Newtonian Me-chaiiics,” American fottrnal of Physics, 34 (1966). 585.
31. Joachim Thiclc, "Bricfc Robert H. Lowics an Ernst Mach," Isis, 59 (>968), 85.
32. Ibid.
33. Ibid.
34. Robert H. Lowie, "Lcttcrs from Ernst Mach to Robert H. Lowic," his, 37 < >947). 66.
35. IłAd.
36. (MarieMach), Erinncrungen ciner Erzichcrin (Vicnna, 1912).
37. Lowic’s book Are We Ctidlized? (New York, 1929) was dcdicatcd to Mach.
38. K D. Heller, Ernst Mach. Wegberciter der modernen Physik (Viennn, 1964). pp. I37">39*
39. Ernst Mach to Paul Carus, Vicnna, Oct. 14, 1912; Ernst Mach to WUhdm Ostwald, Vienna, March 9, 1913.
40. Heller, op cit.. p. 137.
41. Franz Exner, “Ernst Mach," SW—Almanach, 66 (1916), 334.
42. Ernst Mach to Wilhelm Ostwald, Vaterstcttcn, May 29, 1913.
43. Ernst Mach to Joscf Popper-Lynkeus, Vaterstctten, Aug. u, 1913.
44. Frau Anna Karma Mach, "Ernst Mach," Bibliothe^ Ernst Mach'Theodor Ackcrmann Anriquariar, Katalog #634 (Munich, 1959), p. x.
45. Privatc comtnunication from Frau Anna Karma Mach (1967).
46. Ludwig Mach to Paul Carus, Vaterstcttcn, Fcb. 28,1913.
47. POP O (New York, 1953), p. vii.
48. Ibid.
49. The lcttcrs from Ernst and Ludwig Mach and Einstein to Joseph Pctzoldt arc locatcd in the archivc of the Technical University of Berlin.
50. Joseph Pctzoldt to Ernst Mach, Berlin-Spandau, Junc r, 1911. (See also Petzoldt’s letter to Mach, dated Sept. 22, 1910).
51. Ibid., Junc 1, 1911.
52. Ibid., May 25, Junc 6, and Junc 15, 1913.
53. I Icrncck, op. cit., p. 9.
54. SOM, pp. 589-591.
55. Ernst Mach to Joscf Popper-Lynkeus, Yaterstetten, Aug. ir, 1913.
56. POPO, p. vii.
57. Joachim Thicle alrcady suspcctcd as much in his articlc "Bermerkungen zu einer Ausserung im Vorwort der 'Optik* von Ernst Mach," Schnjtcnrahc ]i<r Gcschichte der Naturudsscnschafteu, Technik und Medizin, 2 (1965), 10-19.
58. Hcrncck, op. cit.. p. 8.
59. There are problcms conccrning the correct dates for this and the following letter. The dates on Machs letters do not correspond with the dates mentioned in Petzoldt’s lcttcrs to Mach. (Sec Joseph Pctzoldt to Ernst Mach, Berlin-Spandau, March 5, 1914).
60. Sec Joseph Pctzoldt, "Dic Rclamitatstheoric der Physik," Zatschrift fur positivistischc Philosophic, 2 (1914), 1-56.
61. Joseph Petzoldt, "I)as Vcrh;iltnis der Machschen Gcdankcnwelt zur Rch-twitatstheorie," Anhang zu: Ernst Mach, Mechanik (Lcipzig, 1921), p. 494-
62. Ludwig Mach to Joseph Petzoldt, Vatcrstc:ten, July 20, 19*4.
63. Joseph Pctzoldt to Albert Einstein, Berlin-Spandau, March 3,1927.
65. Ernst Mach to Joseph Pctzoldt, Vatcrstcttcn. Aug. 19. 1914-
66. Joseph Pctzoldt to Albert Einstein, Berlin-Spandau, March 3,1927.
67. Ernst Mach 10 Joseph Pctzoldt, Yaterstetten, Sept. 30, October :o, and 24,1914.
68. Mechanik (Leipzig, 1933), pp. xviii-xx.
69. Sec Ludwig Mach to Joseph Petzoldt, Yaterstetten. Aug. 2-?, 1914-
70. Paul Carus, “Professor Ernst Mach," Open Cotirl, 30 (1910). 257.
71. Sec Joseph Pctzoldt, "Vcrbictet dic Relativitatstheoric Rauni und Zcit aU ctwas Wirldichcs zu denken?" Ver hau diun gen der Deutschen PhyaK^schen
Gesellschajt, 20 (1918), 189-201. ...
72. Other artides by Petzoldt on "rclatwiiy" induded: "M«d»amM»*ne Naturauffassung und Relalivitititheorie," AnnaUn der Phihuophte : yosi . 447-462; "Kausahtat und Rclntivitatsthcoric," Zeitschnft jur Physi%. 4