Look at rhe job advertisement Which job could you apply for?
Compicte the CV (Curriculuin VHae) with a heading from the hsŁ
Additional information Carccr history Computer skills Education Languages Persona! mformaiion
Read the cowring letter. CSrde the morę formal phrase in cadi pair.
Mehm«( Balet
Addms Alper Aot Dane 3
Turgut Ózal Caddesi Seyhan, Adana Tetephone Home: 0090 322 6587688
mobfle: 0090 535 9428190 Nationality Turkish
Marital status Single
Dateofbfrth 12tft September 1962
Email bolatmehmetCl5uperonJine.com.tr
2006- Junior physiotherapist at Rehabilitation Centre,
Bakal: Unhrersity Hospłtal, Adana I work mamły with pabents n1 2io need rehabilitation after an ooerabon. In my fnc tknę. I abo worfc as a physiotherapist for a kxal basketbal team.
2001-2005 Degree in physiołherapy, University of Gaziantep 1997-2001 AtatOrk High School, Adana
Enrish (CEF lev«J 82). I have a good leveł of written and spoken Engfish.
I have been studying Engfoh at a prWate language school for the last three years.
German (Ruent). My mother rs Gennan.
Windows XP §
Fuli dnvmg bcence
Member of the unheraity basketbal team
The dynpk CormaBee b loofang for deCutKl akhuuaok. and owrgrtK prople to ewt r\ śfiaert areas ter the forthconung Ołympic Games. There are vacandes in the following arem:
•Admawtrabon • Trarelabon and language wnates
• Hosptafty and catering • Medwl suppoct
Al applkants must be appropriatdy ąualified and a good lewi of Enffeh s osentiaL Send you CV and a cowring letter (in Engfoh) to
Job appicabons: The Ofympic CommiBce. PO Boa >456
AJper Apt. Daire 3 'Turgut ózal Caddesi Seyhan. Adana
Olymplc Commlttee ^Oth AprU
PO Box 2486
Dear Sir/Madam.
7 am writing / fm writing to apply for a job with the medical support staff in the forthooming Ofympic Games.
I am a ąualified physiotherapist and lrve been working/ lhave been worktogat a Rehabilitation Contrę here sińce January 2006.1 have a good lovel of English, and 5my Gamwn ts gnat / Ispeak German ttuentty.
*1 endose / Tm sendmg you my CV as requestad.
Hope to heai trom you soon / I loak torward to heartng tom you.
'Best wishes / Yours faithluDy
Mehmet Bolat
WRITE your CV and a cowring letter to apply for a job in the Oiympics.
PIAN what youre going to write. Use the Useful language box and Vocabulary Bank Work p.152 to help you.
CHECK the letter for mistakes ( grammar, punctuation, and spelling).
d Completc the Useful language box with Yours sittcerely and Yours faithfully. Useful language: a formal letter
Formal letters Start Finish
You don’t know thc pereorfs namc Dear Sir / Madam -
You know the person’s sumame Dear Mr/Ms/Mn Gestia _
Layout / style
* Put your address in the top right-hand comer with the datę underneath.
* Put the name and address of the person you are writing to on the left.
Dont usccontractions.
* Write your fuli name under your signature.
* Put / look forward to hearingfrom you if you would like a reply.