Kavicsfestés I 03

Kavicsfestés I 03

Oiher fine North Light Books are availablc from your local bookstorc <>r urt supply storę or dlrcct from Ute publisher.

I.ibraiy of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Wellford, IJn

Painting on roeks for kida / l.in Wellford. p. cm.

Summary: Provj(U*a insiruelions for making ears, flowers, dinosaurs, food, and morę from pań tleć] rocka.

ISBN I-58180-255-2 (alk. paper)

1. Stono painting~JuveniIe literaturę 2. Acrylic painting-Juwnlle literaturę [1. Stone painting. 2. Handieraft] I Tliło.

for $kye, fJrika and Kira

Painting on Rocka for Kids. O 2002 by Lin Wellford. Mamifactured in China. Ali rights re.se rved. No part of this book may be repro duced in any form or by any eleetronic or meehanical rneans including Information stor age and retrieval .systems without perrnission in writing from the publisher, excepr. by a rwiewer, who may quote brlef passages in a revie\v. Published by Norili Light Books, an imprinl of F&W Publlcations, Im:., 4700 East Galbraith Road, Cindnnali, OH 45236. (800) 280-001)3. First edition.

TT370. WG523 2002 745.7'23-dc21 Editor: Maggie Moschell Cover Designer: Andrea Short Interior Designer: Brian Roeth l^oduction Coordinator: Mark Griffln Production Artist: Kathy Ilergstrom Photographers: l.in Wellford and Christ ine Polomsky


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