Yon may find good rocks near creeks, streams, beaches and lakes. In sonie areas rocks seem to be lying around every-where, and in ot hor places it may tako a lot of hunting to find llicm. Don't take rocks out ofthe water in places where they may be homes lor crayfish or ot ber animals. State and national parks do not allow visitors to take any-thing bonie, ineludirig rocks. lt/s a good idea to ask for permission before you gather rocks outside your own yard.
You can bny rocks ol ali sizes from landscaping compani(‘s or gardening Stores. Once you start looking for rocks, yotfll be amazed at the unexpected places youll find them.
Most of the rocks in this book tit into the palm of your band. If you can’t find many rocks this size, doivt worry; there are still lot;s of things you can do wilii smaller rocks. Hcre are just a few ideas.
Use (lat pcbbles to create silly face rocks.
Use wbite giue and pebbles or grwel to make pictures. nomes or designs. Colored aquorium grwel is sold ot pet Stores. Make surę to allow pfenty of drying rjrne w hen you giue rocks.