Talkmg aboul your counlry |
■Ą | |
1 what n the popu Wioń ol Polami • | ||
2 WhJl do lourisis likf f" sre .iml <iu ____ |
Culture focus
Nr* ZttUnd •• ■> So^ f*!łnJ :f" "SJ**
Po*n***fl rtljnd o*' **2 tr*> ^
bttl pat* W *m* * *•* *£*•£*** ł*°
Ul sma* CanC«t toć*"* _r ,.„C» O" rrff>',>.!
M*0" sw, MMft cumy. Ml»*'M..OU" **
M*r r* “rJ^TsSr p**""ł MJ0'’
ma naoonai rughy ,»"rr ,h# ft V
d,n<# calted * W **>" "**
___* h#i rfłołfl. 1,1
Th* «** £ucPP.^. • <*«' « «» ^
N*v» Z.»i.nd IW 0v^ . . Coo» <jrrw * »"«
BnPłh *«P<o"' CłpW« &* MłW, Mc tOO»
of m* No*n South «*«*•* *£££,** »"*
pUM and Ko™ ** * ^ NtfWZ*Ji»^ "•*ł
„ r>» Mion art OT * «w;
BoMh colony « Occamt an "'*«"'**’•
Today New ZeaUnd fas ' ****'^.s‘w*'IWl^>*ouę* mmen) M a Urgt oopuTct-co ^ »^p f ‘ , w o» ocbw
tfw.. much »ma«ar thon,»was * P»* £ jpd
MM*rwa. NrwZ.c-and ha, G,c,>
cufturai Tbara ara, .j h ^ CMJ
commanmet. « *'«n ** f*0p'f '“ jV yW-| probab* S<> and «<*.» « fou ws-t c**s «< ' .„
to furopaan cafe. Ml * Avm f*sTaura*s •«* «
Matm fup-hop musie
Ilmosts«« •*.»«> paopl. Mk N™
do mey go» If* probabfy bdcaus. of «h* Bf,u,^' c0 ; '
NewZcaljnd has raWofMt* and hundceds of b u
lat as and fis a wondetfuf P'ace lor ^'9
and saJmfl. as weU ai mott danęatous actnnWS W* ' 9
and whda water raftm^ If you't# an artreme »po _ -
hav* a grat! oma thata Irt not ws*9 that Sa Ed^-^
KrUary. tha f,r« man to clanii Mount E»«r«t cama from New SMlandl
2 Rcad the l«« a"'1 thoour thc be" °p,IOn' •’■ b 0r «•
, wh0 ^ thc hiM pcoplc 10 jmvc in New Zcaland>
jAuUralam b furoi»cjn> c Maom 2 rthKh lilaóri trjd<non duł (jpMm Cook iniroducr to
a thc haka btattoomg c canoong j rthich country was New /calami part of > a Holland b Australia c ttreat Bntain
4 In hnv therc arr ten limes morę than Iwjj peoplc
j Viutor\ ca<h yrar b pcoplc liom |.ipan c shfcp
5 what ran >ou see tn New Zealaml’ j fjinlorests b tunglrs < drscrls
1 Rcad thc tc*t quickly and match hcadmp a-d to
sccfions 1-a.
a Connertioos to Europc b A moiUuftural country c IhebrUNew/eaUndefS d Ihmgstodo
long white
' conditional
and rf3<ł Ihr ,U»C Ihc und„|,^
, ic^^^plrs o< thc cond.lKKul .n tK» t«rt on pa^- W
.nf <>« *'* tond,,K,njl ,-,,k WAvMn lulu(r
, V>r
r'<n'\rvt New tnUnd. youU Kr rwnjotnh on,!
<1 >w 00**1*""
a youll jtflto tłw lako b ii il \now\? c ił llicy vivl Ihr muvrum d il wr lollow ihc nup
,1 ,ou«*n|oy r»tirmr
**"U ”7
,|Vou<J"v°'’ yy.ll >0M »’ sk-nn>t
WII ir* lh«
|hfV ll STO M.łon Jrt
a u wr lollow th<- ihjji
t ll Rfi th«f \ r hc vyon' 8° 'wimminj.
,fV II %rc Maori jrl 1 you ll lo*r New Zealand'
hc lotRCt' hK »«'fmu't* l)S(fn and chc<k Repeat Ihc \rntcn<o*
lf|f {hc tcxt with thc correct form ol Iht wordc ttł-
„ iHttn and chcck.
6r3mn«ar 2
" ‘ (O M wrllington ,/ yw lunr i,mr'
*T ,0„„ Ihr hrU COMUMmuI willi </ • prc*™ vfnpłc.
2 'a* •
,u"iivr CJ"tomc h,M °' v<°“d Whc1',ł «mc% hfM.
** * ^11 fto to Ihe txa<h
U p 101* W'11 it iVimy
h lh«. hal**' ol ,hrv* łuvl tonditłonal
........ nrtreme a you II jw
' *'"* h,« «nUfl<fv
hvm h.T, ^.
,lJvr t*olidj| 1 (o In Kfw /r«Vknd
2 W1° Sr* /f'‘Ur"1 » **•! »«• • » ^numx | *r, %r**,W.Vnt
t w‘°*t»0«th"« ł te- vny. a.ttm h ** ■• no« havr an Miulmi
Ut’s activate
»«iM (ondilional
Wł^rn wu wrtte. makr votr wotwthr <on«t W,v m fach w«l oł tłw vntrtxc k^nrinbct to «ivr a ioottu
i)h' i/ <Uuv wnn h«u
>/ >ow ci>m ipottl, >ou UJjttf Ntw /rai,ind
,,f .'(.'aut o Midoy 11 he jato wne mono r> In panv wnto * paia5.aph u\i«*t łhe hr-wt tondiltonal
If I iart tom, manty. III bu, a tar
buy/cai dnvr/bca(h..
lakf I 'aulboitrd gi i vifW
W-j have suilmg. sca kayakioq and wmdłuifinq 8ut don't woify '< Om weather -J^g'.be»
(not boi bored Our biwwtihop.
(wantl «jmetti>i’q diłleient. you*.
■ v*«r) mtetesting shopi in the Cuba OuattU.YOU1- (l.nd|lo:solD'aceytofelatH
f> . ___(be) lired atter shopp<nq The city hal moro than 300 catii'
,i -bomn.olitl.lD?Wefl.ilyou’ -H**)«oinaort.yoti *----1**1'1**
■ ......n Wołlinqton Thore arc icrne (jieat ban and icrtautana Inlact WeftngtoobtomoifVn
• i mianu lor eacb ymtor than New York Chyl