


f/re &c*m&


1 tooi Jt thc pntum jnd dwim ,f>cw qurłł«xu

• »h,kh ol thc* vKxn do ,«Ki do• łfm. oltco Jo \ou do rhcm*

H /i,ch o/ fhrw Sport* do \o„ »jt, h •

1 fXj HM/ »U}</) thrrtf on TV jnd /1* .1# J %tjdium i*r vxVf'


*    Wrt, HOutd ,oo litr/nor litr- to do> MM *

2 loo* •»»    P*°">*,jph °,V<U" ,hc'r «*tlion,

much «*»«« Ł*m •''X*''' »Ooł»K.IICf

/kU^’    ,    ,

. WhrrC « hr ,u'n'

'    „T»prc"*on of oootfK-, Worłd ,|M||>

l '' |lP rc-M •«,xłUl ,,,r •" d.tfcrrnt <vunu«^

*    hP ,fTUR»'>^i '■«»»*,n •* diftcmt ^4V

*    WYiomcjlon*^ (l.rM-17)

; ,K i.ic l' " chanjeed .i lot

*    ^ for J lwu walk cvrry da,

Jr fu»'n *    'r.cno, „lflr

ł hr (pmcmbrrN il*c« lumn J hc doc% thinRs for thrm


W* .


.jd thf tctl dokkly Jnd <hc(k your Jnvwrfi

łtrod fbr IM* (jrefully jnd jnwcr rhr qucstj0fK

1    wby d«d Z.««l*nc los? pfoyinjt foo,^

2    hm old »j> when hc pbycd hu |„Mf,jfr


»r*v .......

3 Krjd ihr text fjftlullr Jnd Jniwr, rf,P

- .~*-.w.,-r tmide Ziocdinc Iow playm^

■ Ptowd hu i„C,


j MtUt rwo thtngs rtirf hc »mv lor *(,<,„ famom ’

■i How H Z*Ai/ip Mc oihcr hlhay>

5 uhy w.w he vcrv łfood .if looibjll>


wf, thr»c qucMion%

*%nc S-.W «b-» b.Hn, Chan** ,llfn ,

1 ume wmcl...M-> (h..,tSr pcoplc? th.nk abou.

.Mo.ylc • l-mily . fr.cndy    ^

1 . po*^ «h.nk top uff,lotos got loo murf, m0noy,

' nhy7/wttynot>    ^


lenn i-


er ^    w»*owdiw


u 7 comesJrom


was h,J counyy*. '

JEMTO aner «h. 1998 World Cup. but h« cam, tr*., t JJ^a poor area of Marse.Hos m Franco H,s nam, *

/audio*Z»dane was Dorn on ?3rc Juro 197?

<jj an Algenan supermarket workcr and he went t0 ułl) ,he poo< Castdfane aroa of Marse.lles Young Zaou

Jo, football - be was alvvayS plav'n9 v'ł,lh h,s ,f,en<ls * «M

jtreetJ or watch.ng matches on TV I had an impresją gf jnother *vorld.‘ he says. ’a world of droams ’

At First Zinedme played for a local Castoilane team. bu » h« gol older and bener he got a place at a football acedt*,

„ ^ Cannes He was only 16 when he got fSOO for his f»r« professronal gamę

He has como a long way smco thcn Ztnodine hai p!łył< for Bordeau*. Juventus and Roal M.idr.d or. woli asthe frtnch national team In 2001. he wn    most e<penj»vi

n player m football history But famę. i    ham t charge |

. ^ hasn t forgotton hts family and friends He has ^ |b)e ł0 pay for a new sports Club in La Castellane and ^ n#w viiia for his parcrtts And when he isn‘t svorking, he ^itfoesthd tind of thincjs less famous fathers do Hc spends his children He has breakfast w.th them, collects J^m fromschool and helps them with thoir homework.

' jRCd,ne Zidane is one ol thc most successful foolballers f (r VVhen he rotired from International football in 2004. there ^inimuch moro he could wm Whot was tho secret of his , {.<cws? Accordmg to Zmorim;-. Iinrtl work and arobition Miped fum roalise his dron ■*.



b Sow maKh thc cąuipment to thc sports

•    batl • boots • costume •    • racquet * shirt

•    ski suit • skw • tr.Kksuit • tramęts

Qu/c«r r/pf


Wnlr ssords


K'oup\ in your notę book


7 (d»

lislcn and say which speaker tatks about eath


F cKjtb»itt _

SWttnft -

Tcnms -


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