

Culture focus

dtugimf W«*v W*rv#r    , ** «*e*tt***? , co*****!

* rney ««•' to «*• Th. 52Sli3«- -    ^ *»» ^

tf» .W*. »«ow and wrf -    ^ *f

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snowboard    „ ..„ o-ocif riavf u“n up ‘    „ ot«r«it*d,n {f,r

\k- .*fl.«« «>*CY<

T !...10 th* fronł wheel vvłb,M«' th»n * gS* 8U«.H.W5.JK surfy 55;

, , b.‘e wtth the so™ *«• wh«elv *a« Syci. racm9 was born Ono ,arly r,ęfl S cross Cyciists rod. cross-country llhn0gh th«V could 9"t otl ond run ov«,

d,H,colt «'<*» ™* 0a,'V ^P0'1 w*‘ *,nh*»r tg loda/* mountam b.k.ng

Mounta-n b.k.ng as wo know „ b«Qłn „ r,Morn.a in the 1976 Rldo,s had “> rid« b.kes cross country. »• cydo-cross. but*

c0UKJn’t gC oM and run Their blkos w*re »ite ________ Th«v wora smoller. had fan«r

., pop^-r «***«** »*>***    0M**‘ ^    £,, eros* country. •*• cydo eros,. but *

,port Mhoo&f* **    «    •»'*'**'*?!, <oort <n th* ^W' c00ldn t g«< o" and run Their b,kCS were ,,

ttoftmtimt Anc.s,    ^    0(

dittcreni >-'“r----- -----»• lyr*,

and weto «as'cr 10 nde W 0 ,houM ot ollł a, l(jca? A man namod Gary Fishar

Soddonly bikcs weren t only for the stre*„ This ncw type ot b.cycle could also go 0p łnfl down mountams!

Today mountam b.kes aro popular vri:h milt.ons ot peoplc Most c-ties havo mount»f

brko patte ond łhe sport has bocome a majot event m the X games In 1996 .t became an Olymp-c sport tor both mon and ------

I women

t WhKh sports atf popular in Poland ■

2 Is your town famotn fot any SpOfts trams or pcople? j Wturh Ofympif medals d.d f*oland win in ttio Ul Olvmpic K.t»n«’

Tjikmg about your country

Mik J«xx“

,, has lwpi*ncd

loO****" t, „t* <b«* "Mich

Molalk aboot


, wiih qUCMionv ond in otn*cd yet'

,hc p*,u'rt


/.ucidcm Im A a"



bf jcVeH.    v*rth \ł


'***-a±aiBi>h*L t,h*v/fl

Ml I Vf\o

3 ^yniiJH-nnouK M0 ,

--—■ lAnRus / ji

5 Why luvcn » ihry

l Pul ihc ssotds ln bratv«.,% lt

to»»m lo»m



«na»ih . hłp

rrr- ^ ' 1o. m, Kąt*%WłbMł

• lwi ihey_

«>MC<1 OHjtf

'*« on**

lf,"h*1ha‘ ju»ł /!«<** **,. ^■buTh,^,    ^

ony t« hMtwjy „p , moum|m, ^

| 'iuit/5lartftd;h«\__

K in,h« UK Nmm.oyptoiTu/t*

I b9/Y6Uh«ViV __ ___

■    'onyh.jcWmbMa.ountamsindh

■    •ron«d.ncam.b«|htUir<»^|,

S Y*iU undttf walet / hw) _

9 'ts<xwihentiie!isoon.


4 Hwy miss / bus

U« listcn and chcck.

Let’s activate

5 Wrilc scntenccs with juU in the ptescnl pctlctl

t \amplc

.i ihcv um ilu-maleli    c Sht Make/apholo.

!luf \e jutt uori thf match. d lheY/wilihoHMh«lV.

I) li, lali oll / lus bikc    c He i answet / the phonc.

4, i ii\icn and malch ihc senlcnccs lo Ihc wunds. Ihcn v»> *ha\ you ihink

lus insi happened.

w ln pairs, re.ul \mir mslructions on page 118.


   łoo touid jrt oll your tuir m c><kwross r*a


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