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Pu, ,he correct verh,forms into the gaps. Watek ,he rampie. Use ,he Simple Presen,

Hxample: I swim - she_

Answer: f swim - she swims

1)    I help - he

2)    I watch - he

3)    / do - he

4)    J tidy - he

5)    I can - he

6)    J say - he

7)    I walk - he

8)    / pass - he

9)    I must - he

10)    I hurry - he

CA^.    Ć O C

/fvA* for the hołd part of the sentence.

1.    Julia likes pop-music -

2.    Maria comes from Spain -3 They play in the garden -4. Rick rides his bike -

5    l go to the cinema on Saturdays. -

6    We go to Mallorca because it is warm there . -7. Joe repairs his bike -

8 Robin drives his car carefully. -

9.    Peter runs with his dog evcry day -

10.    Erie goes to Italy for a holiday. —





   It's where you prepare the meals : the (HKNCT El)

2.    It's the room where you can have a shower: the ( O T M H O B A R )

3.    It’s where you sleep : your (RMEDOBO)

4.    It s where you have your meals : the ( I - M I N O N    R D O    G    )

5.    It's where you keep your good bottles of winę : the (    R L E    A    L    C    )

6.    It's the place where we generally keep old things : the ( C I    A    TT)

7.    It's ideał for a car : a ( R G A G E A )


8.    Dad works on his Computer there : his ( Y D T U S )

9.    It's the best place for a washing-machine : the ( L A D U Y NR)


10.    You open the front-door and you are in the ( A L L H )


Write down correct sentences


1 the 7.00 at train am takes Sarah always 2. clothes wears black never He 3 I usually when cook home parents come my 4. are often You tired 5 1 go cinema the to sometimes

6.    love he him I me because laugh! always makes

7.    good usually marks. They get 8 angry! sometimes is She

9.    ant up at We get 7 30 always

10.    never You your learn lessons!


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