

® NI Liccnse Manager


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local licenses

0    MJtłsim 11.0

: ©o Schematóc capture and sirnulation I I 8ase Edtion I I Fuli Edtion I I Power Pro Edition O Power Pro Edition 0    Utboard 11.0

ŚO PCB layout and autorouting

I I Fuli Edtion H Power Pro Edition O Power Pro Edition


National Instruments License Manager_

National Instruments License Manager helps you manage and 3dministeryour National Instruments soft»v3re licenses. Please visit for additional informaticn reaardino product activation 3nd license management.

What do you want to learn about?

The Ml License Manager Environment Understanding the NI Software License Agreement Glossaiy

What do you want to do?

Activate a Product

Move 3n Actirated Product to Another Computer

Deactivate 3 Product

Use a Netwcrt; License Serwer

Switch between Concurrent Licenses

Install a License File

Activate a Product for Home Use

Recover a Deleted er Damaged License File

Use the Local License Ser;er

Autcmate Activation

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