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Kenyan textile workers: IMF study says low-income countries weathered the crisis in better shape than in past recession (photo: Thomas Mukoya/Reuters)

Low-income Countries Coped Weil During Crisis, IMF Study Finds

The world's low-income countries coped much better during the global economic crisis than in past global recessions, according to a new IMF study covering 64 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, Europę, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean>


►    IMF Statement on Ireland

►    IMF Report on G-20 Mutual Assessment Process

Factsheet | IMF and the G-20

►    Technical Notę on Flexible Credit Lines (FCLs)

►    IMF Board Approves Far-Reaching Governance Reforms

i The IMF's Fiscal Monitor

► World Economic Outlook, October 2010

►    Press release    ► Read the study

►    Read about low-income countries    ► Morę top stories

i- Global Financial Stability Report, October 2010

Whatłs New 13

IMF's Lipsky--Taking Stock of Financial Sector Reform

Blog: Spotting Problems Early

IMF Statement on Ireland

November 16, 2010


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