*' .
1 he had applięd for thatjob the week bcfore
2 to sit in the front row 3 what hc was studying then 4 U/whether I had Lalkcd to hini 5 had had a car crash 6 not to do that there
7 hc saw him every day in his lorry 8 shc could also speak Spanish
1 remote 2 drown 3 nuuision 4 stare 5 whispering 6 oharming 7 parcel
I gloomy 2 filthy 3 tacky 4 superb 5 stroił (> shudder 7 g;u>p
1 nmst havc workod for the HM 2 may/mighl/ could have bcen a spy 3 can’t be a hooligan
4 nuist live nearby 5 canVcouldn't have dropped out of school 6 niay/might/could l>o her father
1 soaking 2 spacious 3 vain 4 frowning
5 yawning G glancing 7 grin
1 dashed 2 tranąuil 3 deserted 4 gorgeous ó craiuped 0 shabby 7 giggle
l must have missed her flight 2 can*t be Frcnch 3 may/might/could have gonc hunting
4 nmstbeajoke 5 can't/couldn‘1 have been her son 6 may/might/could be good at na\igating
1 dimples 2 fringe 3 pale 4 fiattering 5 dye
6 bow-tie
1 stunning 2 skinny 3 plump 4 seniffy
5 neat
1 the 2 A, the 3 an, - 4 -
1 has had her hair bleached blond 2 has exercises prepared for him by a Professional body-builder 3 had her wedding dress madę by a famous fashion designer 4 is having his letter of application checked by a translator 5 was hacing his hair cut (by the barber)
1 con\plexion 2 vain 3 wrinkles 4 plaits
5 posh 6 stubble
1 handsome 2 shiny 3 bald 4 penu 5 well-built
I a 2 a. the 3 the 4 an. -
1 had a wig madę for her (by the hairdresser)
2 are having our picturc Uikon (by a photographer) 3 was having his moustache shaved off (by the barber) 4 has had a face-ntask prepared for her (by a specialist) 5 has his lelters wrilten for him (by the secretary)
1 sculptures 2 witty 3 attendant 4 change
5 reseuers 6 float
1 part 2 finał 3 soundtrack 4 acting 5 set
1 boring 2 completely 3 pretty 4 totally
1 when the next paradę is 2 if/whetłier you could tell mc the time 3 where they gave their last concert 4 what musie lic likes
5 if/whetlicr you’rc coming with us
1 exhibition 2 vonue 3 botJicr 4 playwright 5 Scason 6 hilarious
1 screenplay 2 charaetcr 3 directed 4 plot 5 star
1 absolutely 2 disappointing 3 quite
4 totally
1 why he is using a walking slick 2 if/whethor tlicy werc therc alonc 3 how much tliis drawing costs 4 when the fostival slarted
5 iC/whether you could play it again
1 pcnalty 2 swollcn 3 event 4 downside 5 crosswords
1 uj) 2 on 3 on 4 up
l slope 2 rink 3 although 4 t wenty minut es’ rest 5 in front of the house 0 went 7 doing
1 Neithcr 2 Most 3 either 4 Bofh
1 distinguish 2 pastime 3 knitting 4 awesome 5 jigsaw
1 on 2 out 3 over 4 down
1 pitch 2 course 3 despite 4 last Sunday s gamę 5 in the middle of the road 6 play 7 doing
4 l
1 neither 2 nonę 3 either 4 Both
1 dispenser 2 polish 3 capture 4 stale
5 refund 6 leaflet
1 out 2 up 3 on 4 of
1 adeertising 2 complaint 3 appetising
4 informative
1 to bring 2 eating 3 to disagree 4 peel
5 to cook 6 serving
1 junk 2 register 3 stationery 4 trolley 5 nutritious 6 sliced
1 on 2 in 3 at 4 on
1 eonvenience 2 faulty 3 cornpensation
4 privacy
1 working 2 to give 3 eat 4 cooking 5 to reduce G having
1 Baggy, green, cotton trousers 2 Anamazing short, red skirt 3 Expensive Italian shoes wilh laces 4 A smart, wliite scliool blouse 5 Old blue jeans with a broken zip 6 A new, wide sun hat
1 install 2 programs 3 socket 4 pług 5 press 6 click
la 2c 3d 4a 5b 6c
1 Havc you cver been 2 argue with eacli other 3 are getting (busier and) 4 I have bcen in tliis
class 5 I’m not usually late 6 be proud of yourself
1 for 2 wrilten 3 sińce 4 hcrsclf 5 waiting G is
Listening ld 2a 3c 41) f>a Gd 7b Communication 1 Frankly 2 moan 3 ask
4 far 5 rcason G scems 7 tliing 8 honest
1 A short, tiglit, black dress 2 A new. baggy top with a hood 3 A diriy, whitcT-shirt with a picturc on ii, 4 Trendy, long, leather boots
5 A yellow and red, striped scliool tie G Cheap, grcy, nylon socks
1 signal 2 ring 3 alert 4 voicemail 5 phonebook G dial
lb 2d 3c 4b 5c Gd
1 getting on 2 Have you evcr had 3 myself without 4 are all getting older every day
5 1 have bcen a memher G often tells us stories
1 sińce 2 oursehes 3 yourself 4 never(not) 5 Aro G have
Listening lb 2b 3a 4c 5c 61) 7d Communication 1 knows 2 ask 3 mean 4 personally 5 seems G Look 7 think S far
1 tolerant 2 forgetful 3 selfish
4 sympathetic 5 cheeky 6 indecisive
1 lawyer 2 trial 3 mugged 4 witness
5 abuse 6 tagging
1 would always cook diimer on Sundays 2 you use to be scared of being kidnapped when you were young? 3 wasn't able to write until I was eight 4 don’t liave to stand up when I come into the room 5 the police arrived, the thief had eseaped 6 sick (while) doing my exam.
1 had been 2 w.astrying 3 saw 4 hadjust climbcd 5 was canying 6 had disappeared
ld 2e 3d 4a 5c 6a
Reading 1E 21 3B 4G 5A 6H 7D 8F Communication 1 agree morę 2 Absolutely
3 totally disagree 4 may (be) true 5 good point G afraid 7 up (to a) point
1 unpredictable 2 talkative 3 diplomatic
4 impractical 5 anti-social 6 aggressive
1 jury 2 rehabilitation 3 alibi 4 court
5 \andalism 6 accused
1 I ought to buy tliis dress? 2 was always able to talk his way out of trouble 3 a car crash while I was going to work 4 have to wear a uniform at this scliool 5 until I had finished my homework G nevcr used to know wliat my father was going to do next
1 saw 2 hadjusttumed 3 werc 4 followed
5 hadn’tstopped 6 was tal king
ld 2c 3a 4d od Ga
Reading 1A 2D 3C 41 5H GB 7G 8E Communication 1 so true 2 Come off 3 maybe 4 gol (a) point 5 No way 6 doubt about 7 dead right
1 eruj>!ion 2 natura! 3 play ful 4 terrorists