2 Mirr i« the uf H vcry unfortunnle, irrcsponublc man talkd Vlr N ) \>„«\
Imutfim ili.ti In ' \s Htopped bv the police «t each and evcry point of M Ir >rna Kcadnhout whnl httppcncdmid afk r cm h pieceofinforrna ,r
iihii! |iiinhhmnil lic dc*ervcs
IIcit nrc nonie ofthc Mntcncen you might wish to hund out
You might ted Ihc death pinalty is in ordci or lif« imprkmirmnt. ,ołit,
conflncmrnt. You could pul hun on prohation, givi- him communin «riki »,r ' Impmo >i fi nr nnything from l 10 to £ 1,(HX) You nughi eon ider t or porał punlshmcnt(ashort iharpshock) i bpnisl prhon wntctice m }
could make that a «uapcndc<l s« utrnt e. V , OIIIJM lls |fk
or uould you liki* to scc hun hnnnctl froni drWing? Nu/ Weil. hi Ik t-ni c ' endorsed. Or woukl you dhmih* the rasę, flnd him not ofany rirne
łic(|ult him, 11 ml Ihc ense not prnvcd?
1 Mr Mody drank llvc pmts of bccr and five single whiskies )n a puh, got into hi«- i ,r and drovc nway. -i
2 I le did not drive danucmusly bul cumlul the* spcid limit as he w mted to catch up with a friend who had left his wallct in the puh
3 As he was driving along, a littlc girl ran into the road and he krm. ked her down
4 I herc was no way he could have stopped. drnnk or sober
5 The littlc girl sufTered only bruises and superfici.il tniunes K
6 Mr Body's wife had letl him two days before.
7 Six months latcr, it was elear that Ihc little girl was jo suffer from after-effects ot the accidcnt and woukl stutter ti>r many' ycars
S Mr Mody had ncver previously received any summons for traffk offences.
9 The little girl admitted that it was all her fault. £
10 I hc passenger in Mr Body’s car v\as killcil outnght .i> he went through the windscreen. j
13] W ritc i>r discuss the answers ti> thcsc questions.
1 Which aspects ofthc law sccm unsatisfactory to you ’
2 What punishments woukl you, as ajudge. givc for the cnmcs in Practice I? You may need ti) spccily cascs and givc particular instanccs
3 I Iow have crimmals bccn portayed in fllms y ou ha\e scen rcccntly ’ W crc the criminals portrayed as heroes. idiots or c\ il indiv iduals?
4 What - in dctail woukl happen to you in > our country ify ou w crc caught a speeding in your car?
b in possession ofsoft drugs? c with a gun in your pocket? d hreaking into a house?
|4| Write a |mtgi \ summing upafter a trial. reminding the jury otthe witnesses testinamy and advising them on how to reach their\erdict.
[''IN ou huw just rcad an articlc supportingcorporal punishment with the headltnc \ sliott, sharp shock is the only answer for most oftoday’s criminals Wntc to the newspaper. puttingthe opposite \ iew and criticisingw hat was prohaMy in the ort ti k*.
Aikl herc onyothcr words or cxpressions about crtme. punishment and rhc law that you may mcci