Ancient Greece was a seafering nat on, building ships Such as this oi-eme to dominate the Mediterronecn region.
The Pa^thenon is c tempie that was built in 438 8.C. cr the highest point in Athens.
The Olympic Gcmes began n Greece in 776 B.c. or.d ircluded such sports cs wrestling. cnariot-racing. ond discus-throwing.
Ploto (427-347 8.C.) was, with Aristotle and Socrotes, cne
^ of the greatest
Cr O thinkers of
O O western
o CivMZCtion.
CAPITAL: Athens AR6A: 50,942 Square miles POPOLATION: 10.647.529 LANGUAGE Greek CURRENCY: Eurc
Greek Flag
MAIN EXPORTS: food and beye^ges, menufectured goods. Petroleum products, Chemicals, textiles