wm oi Ihr * m Mattornhip to the humcrws during novm.il r»ngt* ot motion is relcrred to M cvv\t thylhm, ltv onWf Km nomul >houldcv rangę ot molion thoro muat be a coordinatiun tsMrus va^miU, and cUwW wrth the aciomKKUv»a»br and steruocUmcular joint. When Ihertr jów\t motitm ot \he gWnohumrral joint, inadeguate scapular nuwement, and or decreased §k**«d At tW An\MT\hvU\vuUf joint a dysfuncUonal movemtnt paltem oecurs.
(Łtnesio Uipmgnytbod m deawised pain, impnned muscte functum and can provide Hptwv shmutu* to l,\dhtotv a morę norma! nuwement paltem. The spodlić application tech-an not bc dewnbed lor the practitioner, this wiU twed to be determtned by the patients symp-
tottcwwg aft e\ampks oł appltCAtiurw technU\ucs tho practitioner may want to select, the correct Litton techmgue wili be a corobination that t\t> with the patients symptoms
GWnohumerai Laxity: Anterior:
Application ot the Kineiso Taping Method lor antę nor glenohumeral UmIy For review see gleno-humeral \axity.
Impingement ot theRotdtor Cufl;
Application ot the Kinesio Taping Method for impingement ol the rotator cułl. For review see impingement ol the rotator cułl.
Application ol the Kinesio Taping Method for multi-axial instability ol the glenohumeral joint. Fa ? rtrriew we multi-*xiAl itwtabMty ol the glenohume&i joint.
sc.ipulu ii abducted and in upward ntUtkn
Begin by pUcing the baae ot the Kimało V strip at a 45 degree angle. toward* the Inlcnor angie <>t the scapuiii, at approkimatdy the T 10*12 spinowa proces*
ł la ve the patient movo In to ahoulder abduction and horizontal flexion, appty 10*15 % temum, aurrounding the Iow er trapeziua muccle. I.ay the taib down at the interior angle ol the scapula w uh no tenaion.
Taping lor forward ahtmlder Apply an antenor glenohumeral laxity Kinesio techntque. For rrview see anterior glenohumeral laxity.
Additionałly apply an upper trapeziua mus/le and a pectoraJis minor technique
For the upper trapeziua, begin by piacing the ba** ol a Kinesio Y strip at, aa cloae aa you can, the extemal occipital protuberance with no tenaion Have the patient move into adduction behind their back with lateraJ neck fkrxion, apply 10*15% tension, surround the upper trapeziua, lay the taib down onio the dbtal tip ol the davicie
Application ot pectoralia minor basie Kinesio technique. Application b for imertion to origin to reduce tettsion in the antenor aapect ot the thoułder Begin by pladng the baae ot a Kinruo Y §łnp al the coracoid pmceta ot the acapuła, with no tenaion.
Have the patient move into abduction and ester* nal rołałion ot the ahoulder, apply >10 \ paper att, tenaion. With the upper taił płace along the aupertor aapect ot the muacle to the junction ol the thlrd stemocoatral joint. With the lower taił place atong the Interior aapect ot the muacle to the lilth atemocoatraf joint.