El bo w Hyperextension
f The elków is .1 relatieely stable joint which may become injured when it is forced past its norma] end
/ position of extcnsion. The oleeranon process in the oleeranon fossa can act as a fulerum when a forceis / Applied causing a rangę of motion past normal 0 degrees of extcnsion, females may normally have up t0 / +3 degrees. Cencrally the clbow has marked edema and pain in the region of the ul nar collateral liga.
I ment.
The Kinesio techniquc will include a lymphatic corrective tapping to reduce acute edema, liganiem correction for the ulnar collateral ligament, basie biceps muscle taping, and if appropriate a functional correction to limit clbow extension during the acute injury phase.
Application of the lymphatic corrective łechnig^ to the antecubital fossa and region of the ulnar colla tera I ligamen t. For complete review see lym-phatic correction application.
Strip one, begin by placing the base of the Kinesio fan strip interior to the lateral epicondyle of the humorous, direct the tails of the fan over theantecu-bital fossa to the medial aspect of the mid-forearm.
Strip two, begin by placing the base of the Kinesio /an strip inferior to the medial epicondyle of the humorous, direct the tails of the fan over the antecubital fossa to the lateral aspect of the mid-forearm. The two strips should form a crisscross pattem.
Ligament corrective techrugue application to the ulnar collateral ligament, if indicated asa resultof the evaiuafion of the injury. For a mild hyperexten-sion (no inereased ligament laxity) this strip is optional. For moderate to severe (inereased ligament laxity) this strip is recommended. For complete review of the ligament correction techniquesee valgus laxity of the elbow.
With patients elbow in much exfension aspos-sible, begin by placing the base of the Kinesio 1 strip ligament correction technique approximately 4 inches below the medial joint linę of the elbow, with no tension.
With one hand hołd the base of the Kinesio Istrip to not create tension during application. Over the length of the ulnar collateral ligament apply a ligament correction tension, 50-100 %of available tension. When the tension reaches the end of the ligament, slide the hand holding tension on the base up to this point, and hołd created tension. Havethc patient move the elbow into flexion and apply end of Kinesio strip with no tension.
Application of the biceps brachii muscle basie Kinesio taping technique. For complete review see biceps tendonitis.
The desired result will be decreased muscle spasm in the biceps muscle from over extension during forced elbow hyperextension. The biceps should be taped using the insertion to origin method.
Application of the functional corrective technique to limit elbow extension. For complete review see functional correction technique.
The degree of elbow extension to be limited is determined by the practitioner during evaluation.
The desired result would be limitation of elbow extension just short of a painful position by the patient.
Functional correction should be applied with the patient in elbow flexion, with the superior base approximately 5-6 inches above the joint. The inferior base should be 5-6 inches below the joint.
Have the patient move into as much extension as possible. Move both hands towards the antę cubital fossa. Initiate glue activation prior to any further elbow motion.
Completed application of the Kinesio Taping Techniąue for hyperextension of the elbow.