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The tHird strip should be placed fw, tifc>«al plateau directly below the insert!^ the
to the superior aspect of the femoral conrf. ‘eMęr pattem should be repeated at least twiCe p This larger athlete the pattem should be repeated £l times. t^nee
l Jnon completion of support strips the comPiei nolication needs to be covered to minimize aPe aPP and unraveling ci u ring activity. A light nigTatl° should be selected (Lightplast, Sheer-ylastic tape should be given to not apply tape
ight) and c . tension, as to limit drculation and Arith to muert white nonelastic tape is used to
strips to limit constriction of
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Begin to assist in lim-ting the
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A hyperextension injury to the knee is a common injury resulting from the knee being forccd past 0 jegrees of extension (for females normal extension position may be up to +3 degrees). Gencrally the knee has marked edema with pain occurring In knee extension.
The Kineslo technique will include a Iymphatic corrective taping to reduce acute edema, basie fumstring muscle taping, and functional correction to limit knee cxtension during the acute phase.
Knee Hyperextension
Application of the Iymphatic corrective technique to the popliteal fossa. For complete review see Iymphatic correction application. TWo strips will be applied.
Photo on left: Strip one, begin inferior to the media 1 condyle of the femur, cross over the popliteal space, ending above the region of swelling.
Photo on right: Second strip, begin inferior to the lateral condyle of the femur, cross over the popliteal space, ending above the region of swelling.
The two Iymphatic corrective strips should form a crisscross pattem over the popliteal space.
Application of the functional corrective technique to limit knee extension. For complete review see functional correction technique.
The degree of knee extension to limit is determined by the practitioner during evaluation. The desired result would be limitation of knee extension just short of a painful position by the patient.
Place the base of the functional correction approxi-mately 4 inches above and below the knee, morę than one strip may be reąuired. Make surę to hołd the two bases when the patient moves into knee exten-sion.
Application of the hamstring muscle basie Kinesio taping technique. The desired result will be de-creased muscle spasm in the hamstring muscle from over extension during forced knee hyperextension. The hamstring should be taped using the insertion to origin method.
Method demonstrated has the hamstring taped prior to the functional correction.