

Peroneal Tendon Subluxation

A subluxation ofthe peroneus longus and brvvis tendon s cari result following an invcrsion injury to thc a nkle. Thcse two tendons pass through a common groove located on the posterior la terał aspect of the fibula. They are hcld in thegroove by the peroneal retinaculum. During forced inversion this retinaculum nuty rupturc as the result ofsignificant peroneal tendon contraction to limited forced inversion.

The Kinesio technique will use a mechanical correction to apply resistance to the subJuxation of the peroneal tendons front their common groove.

Prior to Kinesio Tex application płace the patient in ankle dorsiflexion and eversion. Instruct the patient to hołd their ankle in this position. Place one hand on the posterior lateral aspect of the lateral malleolus in the region of the peroneal aponeurosis. Apply a plantar flexion and inversion force, feeling for a subluxation of the peroneal tendon with the hand on the malleolus.

Bcgin by placing the Kinesio Y strip on the anterior aspect of the lateral malleolus with no tension on the base, anterior to the location of the subluxing peroneal tendon.

The base of the Kinesio Y strip is applied with slight tension, 5-10%, up to the point of the peroneal tendon subluxation location. Apply a mechanical correction technique applying tension to the tails. The superior taił is place slightly above the peroneal subluxation.

No tension is applied to the last approximately one inch of the taił. For complete review see mechanical correction technique.

The inferior taił of the mechanical correction strip is placed slightly below the peroneal subluxation. No tension is applied for the last approximately one inch of the taił.

Optional: Application of the peroneal tendon subluxation technique with a space correction for edema during acutc phase or chronic phase.

Begin by placing the base of the Kinesio strip with a "donut hole" cut out which surrounds the lateral malleolus over the base of the 5th metatarsal, with no tension.

Have the patient move into plantar flexion with inversion. Apply 25-50 % of available tension to the Kinesio strip over the arca of the peroneal aponeuro-sis. After the tape has been applied over the area of edema, lay down the remaining tape with 5-10 % of available tension. The ends are laid down without tension.



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