• paMcmcd Paper Piza??"': red and while slripe* (Ho. Ho, Ho!!!)
• solid Paper Pizozz""- whice (Piata Pastels): navy blue (SoiiJ Jewel Tones)
• long ripplc scissors: ttskars
• 1 -VI;' star purich: Marvy* Uehida
• black pen: Zig
1 while pen: Penlcl
• patterned Paper Piza?.:.' ". vcllum swirl* (Velłum Papers); colorful stripes* (MnhdayY, green with while Uols* (Chrisrmas); yellow diamonds (Brigkt Ttnts)
* solili Paper Piz/izzblack (Solid Jewe! Jones): aqua. red (Plain Hrights)
♦ black pen: Zig
Mat each piece on black.
Tłie patiem picccs arc on pace 81.
Place a photo in tlie window, and / lor <m intcractivc lavout. attach che
taił propeller wilh a brass paper brad (o allow ii to spin.
Fa^c 6c
/“>■. This lieari was trirnmcd with \ ’/' ripplc scissors. but*you can use any paUem-cdgcd or straight scissors.
f Tliis [xi[icr [■> also mailublc by the shcct