Though 16-year-old Princess Aurora nas fciccn gilted willi bcauty, $hc look.s very dillcrcnl frora both Snów Whiic and Cindcrclla. Shc appcars older morc likc a woman than likc a young girl. Princess Aurora spcnds thc carly ycars ol her lifc in thc forcst as thc “peas ant” Briar Kosc, whcrc shc wcars a simplc drcss and holds back hcr waist-length hair with a hcadband. This is how shc looks whcn shc lirsi
eyes cnd v: pointd €omm and bavc one
thick eyelash
\rO: no: rOHrtd— don 9i dr*'*: indi-viduai iatfurs