pg' 4

pg' 4

Tank Rescue

Safety procedures for recovering a casuafty from a hazardous atmosphere

Start rescue

Q Raise the alarm


Summon aaslstance, provide details of the Incident.


Stay at incident sceno If safe Observe caauałty Provldo updated Information to emergency team.

Reacue team to uee protective clothing. breathlng apparatua. peraonal gaa monitora, reacue and communication equipment. Check all equipment for correct functłon. First aid team ready with resuscltation equipmsnt

§ Emergency flrst aid and rescue

H Reauacltate and atop aerloua bleeding.

Carry out rescue malntalnlng radio contact wlth safe area.

Q First aid and after care

□ Administer flrst aid In safe area.

Move casuatty to medłcal room when safe. Consider evacuation from shlp łf reguined.

On comptofton of rascu*. ra<chacfc rescua aąufpment and protacS** cło th Ing. f«p4»nl*łi fk*f *łd kit

and bKMrthmg apparatua aa naoaaaary.

An ISM Codę Safety Poster

uroirot* aauarmm.

1017 W


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