Sałaty aiaaaes
Protacts trom: Low anargy projectilee aucb aa swerf ale. Diacard wban lanaaa bacome terał en ad
Sałaty Goggłea. _
Protacta front: Hłgb anargy projectlłee prona to młaling up. Ra płaca tnaan wt
HnrO Hat.
•bolecto bom. FaUmg oOjecta. twmg^ błocka and Hrm bair •ntinglament cbamicał. parni and not watar drlpa Do not point or rtłx tttckers on Mama not >acorrmanded by tha manufacturer. Diacard afta? baevy blow or wbar dala apwciflad by tha manułaclurar baa aspłred < jauafty about 2 ypars. *f wet) cared Kir).
Aro Waldlng Haimat
Protacts bom Ara waldlng Marti radiauon and aptattar Setoci cofrod sfiada of in ner glosa fdr tbe lob in band and anaura outar glasa » otaan and frae ot Mmg sp>«ttar A ttamo ratardant aoart afiouid atway* ba «om wban drc watdłng
Duat Maak.
Protacta trem' Antonie beavy dusi panice* auob aa soma cargo dusta and aoradad pamt duat Sboukf oa diacardad lf tom or wftan*v*r wgns ot cbacofouralion ara obaanrad
Hait Faca Maak.
Protacta tram Fina duats. and aome tumaa but nalw* on a good Mai to tbe faca Mott typas ara aupottad wtffi intarcnangaabta Tler pada ot caruaiers Satad tbe oorraci futer tor tb# lob <r> band acoordmg to m* rsanu<ecturers matfuotkine and rapłaca łba fłftar wban naoasaary Oiaca/d maska wtth damagad taca ptaoaa or sbaps
Fuli Fac« Maak.
Protacta front. Fina duats and aoma tumaa and aft orda ofecbor to ayae and taca Matntananca anoutd Oa aa for * tf faoa maak, but ahouid inctuda eorraot aa lad ton and raptaoaman; cr! Ina faca Kreon
and duat Car ba wban seratełed.
dtacard if otbar parta ara damaged.
Faca Sbłatd.
Protacts front: Hłgb anargy projectitat ovar łba whota taca araa Can ba cfipped to bard bat lf dasłgnad for mat purpoaa Ha płaca *ieor M aeratebad. diacard lf otbar parta damagad
Oaa Weldlng Gogglea
Proiacta front: Wetding aparka and light Intanady of gaa lorobea etc Ertaura outar gtaaa la baa trorr watdłng aplatlar and that ma •tntad gtaaa la tbe oorraot abada tor rn* job In band
Car Pługa.
Protacta from: Low laval aound anargy Avatłabia In many matarata but ail sufler front bygiena probiema aa tbay ara maerlad dlraetfy into ma aar canał Ear pługa _ jnoutd ba ranawad ort a baguent baaia to mamtem
rAm bygtana. Do not uaa othar paoptaa aar pługa.
Ear Dełandars.
Protacta front: A hłgftar laual of aound anargy. but not a* posaitta aound dangtrt Ortły eftacibw lf a tłgff saai to (ba baad Is maintsinad and for thto raaaor, bata. łong balr and głaaaaa atc muat ba adiusted to anaura ma eorraot fłt. Can ba ctipped to bard beta if claatgnad tor mat purooaa
Boi lar Suit.
i din
and abraalon.
and grime and antrapment In motring maobtnary śbowtd ba ffeme ratardant Sborf łbawt anoutd Da atroidad Sftould ba waanad raputarty to mroaf posaMify of dar matma
PVC Wat Suit,
Protacta frant. Ram and aatt wale' aoata młtd cbemcal* ano o#s. SboukJ ba a b*gb narotłify ocłour for daefc and tank operationt Can ba waanad wtm m4ć datarganf O-acard wban hea»Hy aodad
Tharmai 8uit-Protocta front CcM Uaa wban working In rafrtgaratad mmmmmm ot on dooti in oołd cfłmataa Can ba worn undar a PVC wat mit wbara waatbar condikona dłetata
Protacts from: Sc#'mg and ab Uaa for manuał barjtmy of n ard maebinary Dwcard wban ao. ad or tom.
Thanrial Olowat.
Protacts front: Cotd Uaa for work in refrtgerałed companmanta and on deck m cotd cNraała Can ba wont undar otbar woni gtowaa.
Weidtng Gaunttata. i Protacta front: rtaat. waidłng t spfattar and sboMione Uaa tor arc and gaa wetdtng. fiama cułłog and gr-ndtng Diacard rf boiad or wban Snłng la m«n
PVC Glowaa
Protacta bom Abraaran. ołł and mild cbarrrtcart Uaa for bunkaring.
on cargo oparatio^a and
ruprlnt angira raom werk.
Sałaty Shoea.
Protacta Irortj Lrgbt impact and minor soło panatration SbOM do not o Mar anfcta proteciior and may not bava ataoi (oa capa
Sałaty Boots.
Protacta bom. Haavy impact and soi# panatration. anfclas protacted bom mpact Boots usuałły basa swat toe capa. staat sola plataa and oM rasłacant aołas.
WaiUngton Boou.
Protacta bom. Watar. oba and meny chanucata Shoufd bawa ataał toa capa and ataeł acta ptataa Otacard b botad
Barrtar Craam.
Prataot* front: Ugftt aorting iron-. non-na/a'doua auMUncw Małpa prawant danralda
Lataa Gauntiata. r»ratecta bom: Abrasion. ofi and many cbemiceis. Uaa lor cbamrcal bandiłng. cnamłcai cargo ooarauerta and 9and Waabng work. Otacard N hoład
Impact Gknraa.
Protacts bom: V>»ranon. Uda wban operatmg naadw gima. taca namrrers and imoacl toota Otacard
Sałaty Harnaś a.
Protacta from: FsHa. Uaa wban working mora mai 2m about dack lavat or wban working out ooard. Uaa m oonjunction wttb aopro*ad tanyard or faN arraatar. Cnaura baigbt of fali ł» ahaays limkad to an abaoiuta mmmtm and mat łba safery Mną ła attaebad to a aacura point. Inapact aftar a ta# ano raptaoa if any daasaga.
Paraonal Gaa Monitor.
Warnlng of: Oxygan dapłabon and tonie ar mtpłoaba gaaaa. Enaura aoitab lity for eapactad bazaroa befora uaa. Cback corract funetłon. oattary llfa and aaiiOration atc prfor to aaob ancioaao aoacaantry